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  • What are Cruz, Trump supporters thinking?

    Updated Jan 28, 2016

    Following the Paris and San Bernardino brutal terrorist attacks, reported to be inspired, if not executed, by the Islamic state (ISIS), polls showed that the ISIS threat was uppermost in people’s minds — and understandably so. Yet when shortly following those terrorist attacks the news was that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump’s remarks to recruit new followers, Trump’s poll numbers didn’t fall at all. And other Republican presidential candidates such as Ted Cruz, also high in the polls, are contributing similar f...

  • The man who drowned democracy with 'sewer money'

    JOE CONASON, Contributor|Updated Jan 28, 2016

    This week marked the anniversary of the Citizens United decision, which exposed American democracy to increasing domination by the country’s very richest and most reactionary figures -modern heirs to those “malefactors of great wealth” condemned by the great Republican Theodore Roosevelt - so it is worth recalling the false promise made by the justice who wrote the majority opinion in that case. Justice Anthony Kennedy masterminded the Supreme Court’s Jan. 21, 2010 decision to undo a century of public-interest regulat...

  • McMorris Rodgers questioned on healthcare stance

    Updated Jan 28, 2016

    Sixty times and getting ready for number 61. Republicans have voted 60 times to repeal the law that allows healthcare for all. Cathy McMorris Rodgers stated, in a recent public meeting in Waitsburg, that people should be reflected through their representative. So, with that in mind, a comment and question was asked as to why she continues to vote against the people she represents. If Obamacare were repealed, 81,300 Eastern Washington people, or 11.3 percent of her district, would have no health care at all. Furthermore, the...

  • The EPA has yet another 'Oops we did it again' moment

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Jan 28, 2016

    It’s been interesting to follow the water crisis in Flint, Mich. and see where efforts to save a buck have turned to passing the buck. That city of some 100,000 has horrible problems with its water that began when in 2014 city officials chose to change water sources from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the Flint River. But what has been more intriguing is the finger-pointing and the immediate rush to judgment calling for Republican Gov. Rick Snyder to resign when o...

  • Violence decreasing for centuries

    Updated Jan 21, 2016

    When our Ukrainian neighbors moved into a rundown trailer a decade ago, two large dogs started running loose on our property. Oh man, we thought, more people who move to the country and let their dogs run rampant. So we grumbled, talked to other neighbors and stewed about it for a few days. Finally I decided to say something and armed myself with a jar of homemade grape juice to “welcome” them to the neighborhood — and also kindly ask them to keep their dogs under control. Fast-forward several years. About eight people of al...

  • New York example sends sin tax rationale up in smoke

    Updated Jan 21, 2016

    The following editorial was published in the Jan. 16 Orange County Register. It does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Cheney Free Press editorial board. New York state offers a classic example of the failings of “sin taxes.” Facing a budget crunch in 2010, the Legislature increased the cigarette excise tax by $1.60 per pack (58 percent), to a total of $4.35 per pack, by far the highest cigarette tax in the nation. In New York City, which additionally imposes its own $1.50 excise tax, on top of the $1....

  • Surveillance, surveys and answers in Kabul

    Kathy Kelly, Contributor|Updated Jan 14, 2016

    In Kabul, where the Afghan Peace Volunteers have hosted me in their community, the U.S. military maintains a huge blimp equipped with cameras and computers to supply 24-hour surveillance of the city. Remotely piloted drones, operated by Air Force and Air National Guard personnel on U.S. bases, also fly over Afghanistan, giving U.S. military analysts miles of camera footage, every day. Billions of dollars have been invested in a variety of blimps that various vendors such as Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and...

  • City officials earn voters trust and honor with respect

    Updated Jan 14, 2016

    I appreciated the Free Press article “Cheney voters choose trust and lift levy lid.” (Jan. 7) With trust there is honor. With honor there is respect. In my opinion, Proposition 1 (for continual public safety, etc.) passed because of the needs of the Cheney police and fire departments. In Proposition 1, public safety (police, fire) was emphasized in parenthesis. This made a strong statement in believing that these two departments would take top priority in having their needs met first before any other department. The pol...

  • Condemning violence against U.S. Muslims would benefit all

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Jan 14, 2016

    On Dec. 17, 2015, Rep. Donald Beyer (D-Virginia, 8th District) introduced House Resolution 569, titled “Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.” As of Jan. 12, 107 other Democrats had signed on to sponsor the resolution, but unfortunately, no Republicans. The title speaks for itself, and the full text can be found online. The website GovTrack.us gives the resolution an 8 percent chance of passing the House, 9 percent to make it out of the committee. There is plenty of evi...

  • Poll finds government is our biggest problem

    Updated Jan 14, 2016

    The following editorial is reprinted from the Jan. 12 Orange County Register. It does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Cheney Free Press. For the second year in a row, government was the largest problem facing the nation, according to Gallup polls. Based on Gallup’s monthly polls of the most important issues facing the U.S., an average of 16 percent identified government as the top problem, followed by the economy with 13 percent and a tie between unemployment and immigration with 8 percent. It was the h...

  • More particpation and collaboration in 2016

    Updated Jan 7, 2016

    With a new year comes a chance for new starts and for ways we can improve from last year. Here are some things the Cheney Free Press Editorial board would like to see in 2016. First, we would like to see more participation from the community at local meetings. The Airway Heights and Cheney city council meetings have little-to-no attendance from citizens. Residents who do attend only come to address council about an issue that affects them personally and they’ll leave after they’re done speaking. Medical Lake council mee...

  • Will anyone pay the price for prisoners early release?

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Jan 7, 2016

    Just before Christmas we learned that over the past 13 years some 3,200 inmates from the Washington State Department of Corrections facilities had been prematurely released. When I heard the news, the initial thought was at least this bureaucratic screw up didn’t result in the loss of millions, if not billions of taxpayer dollars. But it wasn’t long before the price became incalculable with the loss of lives. At least two deaths that we know of have now been the result of a so...

  • Steps to defeating terrorism - theirs and ours

    Nicolas J. S. Davies, Contributor|Updated Dec 30, 2015

    France and Russia’s military responses to mass murders in Paris and Egypt echo the U.S. response to mass murders in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania in 2001. Islamic State (IS) has welcomed this warlike response to its latest atrocities. Al Qaeda similarly counted on an aggressive response to 9/11. The U.S. invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq and the concentration camp at Guantanamo became the most valuable assets in its propaganda and recruiting campaigns, now complemented by the terror of drone strikes a...

  • Blessings from ML Care and Share staff

    Updated Dec 30, 2015

    On behalf of the ladies who devote their time to the Care and Share, I would like to thank all those in Medical Lake and outlying towns, who bless us by donating their treasures for resale and support our cause through their purchases. One hundred percent of the revenue from these sales supports the Medical Lake Food Bank Association. Because of you we were able to help so many in need in 2015 and look forward to continuing to serve in 2016. God Bless You All. Anne Starr Medical Lake Care and Share Director Medical...

  • Thank you from Feed Medical Lake

    Updated Dec 30, 2015

    Thank you to all the volunteers who helped at Feed Medical Lake in 2015! You put in many long hours and did a superb job. Thank you also to all who came to the meals. We greatly enjoy your company. Please continue to join us in 2016. Joanna Williams Feed Medical Lake Director Medical Lake...

  • Songs bring back the many memories of Christmas

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Dec 30, 2015

    Editor’s note: Capitalization, phrasing and line breaks from John Lennon’s song “Happy Christmas” used in this column have been retained in keeping with the original meaning of the work. I’m not sure why but once I heard John Lennon’s 1971 song, “Happy Christmas,” it was one of those tunes that became permanently trapped inside my head. Surely you know the lyrics: “So this is Christmas, And what have you done, Another year over, And a new one just begun,” just as you do “Jingl...

  • More gun laws wrong response to massacre

    Updated Dec 30, 2015

    This editorial appeared in The Orange County Register, Dec. 27, 2015. Almost all mass murders committed with guns prompt calls for tougher gun laws. The problem is, in pretty much every recent mass shooting in America, any newly proposed gun control law would not have stopped the crime, even if perfectly enforced. In this month’s horrific attack in San Bernardino, the guns were legally purchased, then illegally transferred and altered. California’s gun laws already encompass most of the supposed “commonsense gun safet...

  • CNN's Wolf Blitzer needs fact-checking intern

    PHIL KIVER, Contributor|Updated Dec 24, 2015

    We rely on the media to keep our leaders honest and accountable. Sadly the last debate showed that the moderators are either stupid or lazy. Here are a few examples of the lack of knowledge by the candidates and the hosts. Jeb Bush says we can’t disallow Muslims into America. “That would upset our Kurdish allies who are all Muslim.” Fact Kurds are not Arabs, and they practice 6-10 forms of religion. Some Kurds are Muslims. Grade: D- Rand Paul says “Mr. Trump you can’t take away the first amendment, you can’t change the...

  • Differences disappear at the neighbor level

    RICHARD BADALAMENTE, Contributor|Updated Dec 24, 2015

    I stepped out the front door of our new home to get some groceries from the car. We’d just moved in and I was stocking up. A young boy hurried over from across the street and said, “Welcome to the neighborhood!” “Well, thank you,” I said, surprised by this kid’s enthusiastic welcome. “How do you like it here?” he asked. He was a slender kid, with black hair, dark eyes, and an infectious smile. “We just got here,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “It’s a nice neighborhood,” he said, and turning to look across the street sa...

  • Thank you from StageWest Community Theatre

    Updated Dec 24, 2015

    StageWest Community Theatre has wrapped up the final production for 2015. “Miracle on 34th Street” was a great hit. Thank you to all the audience members that came to the different performances, the cast and crew and their families for all their hard work, Mike Hartman for another delicious dinner and most of all to Emmanuel Lutheran Church for their unselfish use of their building for our auditions, rehearsals and performances. We have truly been blessed by all your support. We would like to wish the people of the West Pla...

  • The hype around 'Star Wars' is strong - too strong

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Dec 24, 2015

    “Star Wars” is everywhere. Like the Death Star’s tractor beam, there’s no way to escape it. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the latest installment in the multi-billion dollar franchise, opened last week, bringing fans — young and old — to the theaters in droves. Not surprisingly, the film has brought in an estimated $247 million in the United States and at least $358 million worldwide, according to the Hollywood Reporter, beating last summer’s hit “Jurassic World” in both categories. My social media timelines were filled...

  • Thank you from Gardeners of Cheney

    Updated Dec 17, 2015

    Thank you everyone for your coverage and attention to the Gardeners of Cheney garden club. Our organization strives to provide a friendly environment where garden enthusiasts can learn, share and delight in the marvels of gardening. The Yard of the Month program recognizes homeowners’ efforts in sharing the beauty of their landscapes. The Gardeners of Cheney plant sale in May generates funds for scholarships to Spokane Community College and monetary awards to the high schools in Cheney and Medical Lake for their h...

  • Selfish act diminishes enjoyment of others

    Updated Dec 17, 2015

    Some of you may have seen the two decorated trees on the west side of City Hall. I hope you enjoyed a small bright spot in the center of Cheney. Many more could have over the next weeks. Now, no one can, as the lights were stolen the weekend of Dec. 5-6. It’s sad that the small personal gain of a few selfish people can take away the enjoyment of many. Ralph Laws Cheney...

  • Christmas time shouldn't be a humbug, now or later

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Dec 17, 2015

    I’m having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit. Normally I would have had my tree up and house decorated about a week or so ago. Instead, I just finished getting lights and some decorations on the tree, a couple nutcrackers in place and a few other knickknacks set up. I still have more to go, and I’ve had my boxes of decorations in my living room and kitchen for over a week now. I think part of it is a time thing. Since changing our coverage beats and assuming all news reporting duties, I have had less free tim...

  • So many in need, yet so much goes to 'Waste'

    Updated Dec 17, 2015

    Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year in the coming days. It’s that time on the calendar again when our minds and hearts turn to giving and helping. But the Cheney Free Press Editorial Board could not help but wonder how much more we all might be able to help those less fortunate, and maybe add to our own economy, if we had a little fatter wallet. Perhaps that comes from the savings realized next year by not building a gas station in Afghanistan that pumps only compressed natural gas and cost $43 million of Department of D...

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