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  • Eunice Pallviny Greener

    Updated Mar 24, 2016

    Eunice V. Pallviny Greener, born to Armand Victor Pallviny and Lydia Issak Pallviny in Leola, S.D. on March 26, 1923, passed away on Feb. 25, 2016. She exemplified the love of Jesus throughout her life with kindness, compassion, generosity, hugs, radiating smile, prayers of praise, thanksgiving and concerns, words of hope and encouragement and letting others see the beauty of God’s creation through her eyes and heart. Eunice was a loving devoted wife to her husband Walter Greener. They married July 3, 1943 and celebrated t...

  • McMorris Rodgers truths

    Updated Mar 24, 2016

    It’s time for the truth concerning Cathy McMorris Rodgers. She is part of the most dysfunctional Congress ever. She is paid $174,000 a year by us to work for the 5th District of Washington state. This is what she has done: voted over 60 times to stop all of us from getting affordable health care, voted to cut millions of dollars from food programs for children and the disabled, voted against our veterans health, voted for cuts to Medicare, voted for raising the eligibility age for Medicare to 67, privatizing our Social S...

  • Support Sanders March 26

    Updated Mar 24, 2016

    Are you concerned about the number of fires we experienced last summer? Does the number of dangerous, mile-long trains, especially oil trains that come through Cheney blowing their horns and blocking intersections, bother you? Have you noticed that our summers are hotter and drier? Are you concerned about climate change? Then you should vote for Bernie Sanders in the upcoming Democratic Caucus. He is the only candidate for president, either Republican or Democrat that has consistently considered climate change as a major issu...

  • Vote for Pakootas this November

    Updated Mar 17, 2016

    What would an effective congressional representative do to improve lives in the 5th District? Be available, answer letters personally, attend important rallies and EIS hearings concerning the oil and coal terminals, visit the homeless, attend city council meetings, visit schools and colleges, and live in the district instead of visiting the Spokane area a few times a year. Cathy McMorris Rodgers votes straight along Republican lines and does very little to help our people. Instead, her recent activities include cavorting with...

  • Quick drawing media needs to hold their fire

    Updated Mar 17, 2016

    During an idle day for the Big Sky Conference men’s basketball tournament March 10, and an off day for Eastern Washington, the Eagles still crept into the news. Make that newsmaker Eastern head coach Jim Hayford, the fifth-year Eagles basketball boss. In a San Francisco Chronicle story from Steve Kroner about the firing of University of San Francisco head basketball coach Rex Walters, Hayford was one of two names mentioned as Walters’ possible replacement because of his Bay Area roots. Hayford was in some pretty good com...

  • Violent incidents at Trump rallies will only escalate

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Mar 17, 2016

    I figured events like political rallies can get heated when you have people with differing opinions gathered into one place, but I’ve never expected them to turn into something like a hostile school playground or a soccer riot. During a March 11 campaign rally for Republican frontrunner Donald Trump at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Trump’s supporters clashed with protesters. Trump said he canceled the rally after consulting with law enforcement, but the Chicago Police Department and university police said they never...

  • Diligence sets those who accomplish goals apart

    MICHAEL R. CHARTER, Contributor|Updated Mar 10, 2016

    For this month’s PACE (Partners Advancing Character Education) character trait, we will discuss the trait of diligence. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines the term diligence as “persevering application.” Ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius noted “The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.” American icon Mark Twain once said “Diligence is a good thing, but taking things easy is much more restful.” Founding Father Benjamin Franklin used diligence...

  • Nethercutt, Republicans should support nominee

    Updated Mar 10, 2016

    Recently, former Congressman George Nethercutt said that if Donald Trump got the Republican nomination for president, he would leave his selection box blank. As a former conservative Republican turned Independent, this is exactly what’s wrong with today’s Republican Party. They never do what they say they are going to do, and that’s why you’re seeing the voter’s revolt and the turn to Trump. Voters are fed-up with the do nothing Congress on both sides, as proven by their lowest ratings ever! I voted for George on his stanc...

  • Language is what it is - a needed part of societal growth

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Mar 10, 2016

    I’m a word guy, and subsequently, a language guy. Arguably, language is the greatest invention man has ever produced. We wouldn’t be here without it, written or spoken. I’ve recently dusted off a set of language discs I hope will help me learn enough Spanish to get around and into trouble — and out of it — on my fifth mission trip to Guatemala this summer. Listening to the introduction, the narrator made the statement that most experts consider the spoken word language more so than the written. We learn most from the spoke...

  • Election year offers chance for personal reflection

    Updated Mar 10, 2016

    It may only be early March, but by now, most of us should be starting to have concerns about who our choices for president will be when November’s election rolls around. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the campaign season so far — if “campaign” is the proper word to use. It’s difficult to refer to any of the Republican debates to this point as “debates,” at least according to Webster’s simple definition of the word, which is “a discussion between people in which they express different opinions about something.” Much of what...

  • Thank you to professionals for speaking to students at CHS Career Exploration Day

    Updated Mar 3, 2016

    Last Friday (Feb. 26), 32 professionals from around the Spokane region volunteered to speak to the juniors of Cheney High School at the second annual CHS Career Exploration Day. Students chose from a variety of career fields such as health sciences and aerospace. Cheney High School Career Staff would like to extend a special “Thank You” to all of those that volunteered their time to share their expertise, including five CHS alumni. We look forward to working with all of you next year! Elisa Rodriguez Career Specialist Che...

  • Trump's and Cruz's words examples of their bigotry

    Updated Mar 3, 2016

    My letter a month ago regarding Islamic State (ISIS) recruitment received a response alleging kowtowing to ISIS. This misinterpretation clearly indicates the need to further detail my letter’s intent. The ISIS recruitment videos featured Donald Trump’s call to ban all Muslims from the U.S., and Ted Cruz had mentioned carpet-bombing of enemy-controlled areas, revealing examples of the two Republicans bigotry and disregard for innocent civilian life. My assumption was (is) those attitudes are un-Christian and un-American, por...

  • First trip to Mexico was an eye-opening experience

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Mar 3, 2016

    Until Feb. 18 I had never visited a so-called “Third World” country. It may have seemed as though after experiencing the crazy driver who passed me in the center turn lane while I was slowing to the 40 mile-per-hour speed limit while approaching Four Lakes? Or when I was behind the wheel and bouncing over those wonderful unpaved, pothole-strewn dirt streets in Spokane. The term Third World, now synonymous with many struggling poor nations around the globe, was originally use...

  • Stiffer punishment for open meetings violators needed

    Updated Mar 3, 2016

    Any law becomes ineffective when punishment for violating that law fails to act as a deterrent. Or, to use the more colorful phrase, a law’s “got to have teeth.” Two weeks ago the Washington Senate decided to do something it hasn’t done in 45 years by unanimously approving “putting teeth” into this state’s Open Public Meetings Act. At the request of state Attorney General Bob Ferguson, those teeth took the form of increased penalties for knowingly violating the law, upping individual fines from $100 to $500. Senate Bill 6...

  • Law enforcement recruitment should be a top priority

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Feb 25, 2016

    Public safety agencies across America face the same problems as other employers — finding enough qualified workers. The difference is our safety is increasingly at risk. Law enforcement leaders are working harder at recruitment, yet they are drawing fewer applicants. Big city departments are not alone. It is the same story in smaller communities such as Leesburg, Va., where the number of applicants dropped 90 percent over the past five years. A decade ago, the Seattle P...

  • Choices: Dark spots, light spots and Apple's protest

    MEL GURTOV, Contributor|Updated Feb 25, 2016

    How’s this for bad choices? A recent study by a Harvard group contended with the position of U.S. intelligence agencies that tracking possible terrorists was becoming more difficult because there are too many “dark spots” — places where data can be encrypted to prevent tracking. Harvard “reassured” the FBI, CIA and others that new technologies embedded in common objects will provide (or already provide) plenty of additional tracking opportunities. What are these? How about toothbrushes, toys (yes, Barbie dolls), televisions...

  • Raising the smoking age to 21 is a good start

    Updated Feb 25, 2016

    One of the laws being proposed in this legislative session is House Bill 2313 and its companion measure Senate Bill 6157, which aims to increase the minimum legal age of buying tobacco and vapor products from 18 to 21. Currently, Washington residents 18 years and older can legally buy tobacco and vapor products. According to wording in HB 2313, the Legislature recognizes that many people who purchase cigarettes for minors are between the ages of 18-20. Raising the minimum legal age to 21 will decrease the legal access minors...

  • The electricty answer is not entirely blowin' in wind

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Feb 18, 2016

    In 1962, songwriter Bob Dylan composed “The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.” It was a Vietnam War protest song suggesting the ambiguous answer to ending war and living in peace and harmony was “blowin’ in the wind”…somewhere. Today, wind power is an important part of our nation’s electricity generating system and it will be essential in the decades ahead. The question is how much of it can we reasonably produce to meet our nation’s growing electrical demand...

  • Bernie Sanders: a candidate for peace activists

    LAWRENCE S. WITTNER, Contributor|Updated Feb 18, 2016

    On Feb. 10, 2016, Peace Action — the largest peace organization in the United States — announced its endorsement of Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination for President. Peace Action is the descendant of two other mass U.S. peace organizations: the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE) and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign (the Freeze). SANE was founded in 1957 with the goal of ending nuclear weapons testing. Soon, though, it broadened its agenda to include opposing the Vietnam War and other ove...

  • Put wheels in motion for new youth voter registration

    Updated Feb 18, 2016

    The keys to future elections in the state of Washington could be in the hands of those who may have just recently earned their drivers license. That is if legislation Secretary of State Kim Wyman is proposing passes, allowing 17-year-olds to pre-register to vote in a program that would be part of high school history and civics classes. The legislation, House Bill 2707/Senate Bill 6340, was introduced in both chambers on Jan. 19. The prime sponsors are Rep. Steve Bergquist, D-Renton, and Sen. Joe Fain, R-Auburn, with members f...

  • Congress must reject Trans-Pacific Partnership

    Updated Feb 11, 2016

    Last June, the Republican leadership in Congress, including Cathy McMorris Rodgers, was able to pass Trade Promotion Authority that gave President Obama unconstitutional ability to regulate commerce with foreign nations including the fast tract authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership. A Tufts University study says passage of this massive 5,554 page agreement loaded with new regulations would shrink our GDP by $100 billion, leading to a loss of 448,000 American jobs. On Nov. 9, President Obama notified Congress of...

  • Today's railroads emphasize innovation and safety

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Feb 11, 2016

    In January, the American Association of Railroads or AAR published its first-ever state of the railroads annual report focusing on the industry’s economic value, innovations and emphasis on safety. The nation’s railroads have been around for about 180 years and maintain 180,000 miles of track. Trains move over 51 million tons of freight each day which is about 40 percent of the nation’s freight. Rail has been a vital transportation link in the Pacific Northwest since 1883. Tha...

  • Oregon militants should stand down before it's too late

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Feb 11, 2016

    Sometimes there are events in life that are straight out of a television show or a movie. On Jan. 2 an armed group affiliated with the U.S. militia movement occupied the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon. This was following a peaceful march in protest of the jailing of Dwight Hammond and his son, Steven Hammond, who were convicted of arson on federal land and sentenced to five years in prison. According to the Oregonian article “Oregon militants: Why the Bundys’ Mormonism matters,” Ammon...

  • It's (past) time for action on McCleary

    Updated Feb 11, 2016

    On Jan. 25, Washington’s House of Representatives passed House Bill 2366 by a 64-34 vote, meaning there was support. According to a story by Washington Newspaper Publishers Association’s Olympia Bureau reporter Izumi Hansen, HB 2366 sets up a task force, with help from a consultant, to look into the issue of teacher compensation and provide recommendations to the Legislature on how to fully fund teacher pay in 2017. The bill also specifies action be taken to eliminate school district’s reliance on local tax levies by the e...

  • Court needs to define 'natural-born' citizen

    Updated Feb 4, 2016

    The following is reprinted from the Panama City (Florida) News Herald and may or may not reflect the views of the Cheney Free Press editorial board. Back in the 1970s, Dr. Pepper sought to lure us in by suggesting its consumers could be part of a soft drink clique. “I’m a Pepper; he’s a Pepper; she’s a Pepper — wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper, too?” the actor David Naughton sang in the jingle featured in TV commercials. Substitute the word “birther” for Pepper and you would have a contemporary political clique. The birth...

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