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  • Apply now for value added producer grants

    JOHN CRABTREE, Contributor|Updated May 5, 2016

    U.S. Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for $44 million in competitive value-added producer grants to develop value added ventures. In times of low commodity prices, the help available through this program is especially appealing. The grant program gives priority to projects that expand opportunities for small and mid-sized family farms and for beginning, socially disadvantaged, and military veteran farmers and ranchers. Local food marketing projects are eligible as well, particularly for distribution...

  • Changing the conversation about the 'woman card'

    Laura Finley, Contributor|Updated May 5, 2016

    The “woman card.” It’s so much nonsense. Donald Trump is merely the latest to accuse a woman of playing identity politics because she, well, actually discussed the fact that the U.S. still has much to improve in terms of gender equality. Trump alleges that Hilary Clinton is discussing women’s issues so she can win the votes of women. The nerve of her, trying to win the support of more than 50 percent of the population! It’s like she’s running for the highest office in the country, or something. Clinton’s response was...

  • Forums give community input in selection of superintendent

    Updated May 5, 2016

    There are some important dates on the calendar that may not seem related but certainly have a connection. On April 30 property tax payments were due at the county courthouse and not too far into the future — May 9, 10 and 12 — the Cheney School District will present its series of forums at the high school’s Little Theater at which time candidates vying to become the district’s new superintendent will be introduced to the community. Just what is that connection? According to the chart sent out recently by the Spokane County...

  • Water restrictions right step, but add questions

    Updated Apr 28, 2016

    Water is once again becoming a hot commodity in the area. Although the winter and spring seasons were wetter this year than in the previous two years, the city of Cheney is preparing for irrigation season by asking residents and businesses to follow an outdoor watering schedule in order to maximize potable water pumping efficiency and maintain safe reservoir levels. Cheney is enacting the same conservation methods it has in the past and we commend them for being proactive in asking residents to conserve water. However, with...

  • TSA's 'reverse screening' the ultimate in insane policy

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Apr 28, 2016

    So you thought the TSA strip searches of granny in the wheelchair, or the infant that received special screening made your eyes roll and blood boil when trying to board a commercial flight? The folks that brought you X-Ray vision in the past most recently wanted to try what amounts to “on you honor” boarding of passengers at some airports. But this time Congress was able to cross that great divide that stymies so much on Capitol Hill and have at least liftoff for the Treating...

  • Unemployment numbers at home should retire McMorris Rodgers

    Updated Apr 21, 2016

    As a former educator who has authored grant proposals seeking funding for after school programs, an important component has been the statewide comparison of county unemployment rates. Having tracked those statistics for Washington since 2004, when Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers was first elected to office, the numbers speak for themselves. Ferry, Pend Oreille and her home, Stevens, counties had the state’s three highest February 2016 county unemployment rates, following a general trend throughout the last decade. And although S...

  • Small town response shines after fall

    Updated Apr 21, 2016

    Living in Medical Lake has been a blessing for us and all those that want a small town with a caring atmosphere. This was so true this past Friday when I had an accident outside the Medical Lake Library. Having fallen, people came running outside the library. Elisabeth Moseley was the first person to help and she took charge. Behind Elisabeth were Marilyn Baugh, Mary Seagraves and Carolyn Wolfe. All were there to help and they did. Being flat on my face, bleeding and needing help, an EMT who was getting books for herself, on...

  • McMorris Rodgers a no vote for women

    Updated Apr 21, 2016

    On April 12, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers released a statement on equal pay. The following quote is the conclusion of the press release: “This can only happen through a national conversation about how we can level the playing field, so women — and everyone — have every opportunity to succeed in the workforce regardless of their background or walk of life.” I disagree. This can happen only when our representative votes for equal pay; conversations with Cathy are ineffective. At a “Conversation with Cathy” event in September 2...

  • Learning to trust early bodes well for the future

    JENNA MARKS, PACE Contributor|Updated Apr 21, 2016

    “Trust is hard to come by. That’s why my circle is small and tight. I’m kind of funny about making new friends.” – Eminem. “Learning to trust is one of life’s most difficult tasks.” – Isaac Watts As a child, I was relatively outgoing and energetic, often playing in the dirt on the playground all by myself, perfectly content. I didn’t mind friendship, but I was perfectly OK on my own. I was that one little girl always running around and “whooping” like a wild animal. The other girls wanted to play princesses, and I wante...

  • Why not let the people decide on transit tax?

    Updated Apr 21, 2016

    There are many questions to be answered and factors to be considered when it comes to voting for a proposed 2/10ths of 1 percent sales tax increase to help fund Spokane Transit Authority projects and operations. For starters, if one does some simple math, STA serves just 5 percent of the county’s population. Why should the other 95 percent subsidize mass transit usage by a small number of people? One answer might be that if there was an efficient, well-funded transit system in place, more people might use it, thereby t...

  • Participation expected of Muslims

    Updated Apr 14, 2016

    Last week’s (March 31) “In Our Opinion” seems out of character from Free Press’ usual concern over bias and fact. While not an apologist for Trump and Cruz, I look at six issues raised in the column. 1. Constitution. One shouldn’t insist that Muslims in America accept our form of government, culture, and values? Over 60 percent of American Muslims and over 90 percent of Muslims from Islamic countries prefer Sharia to our Constitution. Emigration Jihad taught by Muhammad: emigrate, procreate, dominate. Our historic immigrati...

  • Support those living with an alcholholic

    Updated Apr 14, 2016

    April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States: 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence. More than half of all adults have a family history of alcoholism or problem drinking, and more than 7 million children live in a household where at least one parent is dependent on or has abused alcohol. During Alcohol Awareness Month, Washington State Al-Anon District 2 is sponsoring a free community information event on Monday,...

  • Resarch for Alzheimer's disease

    Updated Apr 14, 2016

    I come from a family with a long history of Alzheimer’s disease, and see so many other families struggling with it as well. Today one in three seniors in Washington State and across the country dies of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Nearly one in five Medicare dollars is spent on patients with these diseases. By 2050, that will rise to one in three Medicare dollars, unless we find a cure to treat and prevent Alzheimer’s. In Eastern Washington, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers is playing an important role in finding a cure for Al...

  • Businesses aren't places for kids to hang out and play

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Apr 14, 2016

    With spring already here and summer approaching, it’s more common to see kids running around the neighborhood playing with friends. Some folks refer to this as “free range parenting” but there have been stories popping up here and there about parents who were arrested for letting their children roam the neighborhood or businesses without their supervision. One recent incident was in Spartanburg, S.C. According to an April 3 WYFF News 4 story, Tiesha Hillstock was arrested for unlawful neglect of a child after she let her 9...

  • 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail' poignant, timely

    RIVERA SUN, Contributor|Updated Apr 14, 2016

    On April 16, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was sitting in a stark jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama, where he had been arrested for engaging in nonviolent direct action. An ally had smuggled a newspaper into the jail that contained the recently published piece, “A Call To Unity,” written by eight local white clergymen who thought civil rights should be won in the courts, not in the streets. King began drafting his response on the margins of the newspaper — the only paper he was allowed at first. Later, a black trust...

  • Thank you from Cheney Kiwanis

    Updated Apr 7, 2016

    Cheney Kiwanis thanks the following groups for joining us in providing the annual egg hunt at Salnave Park: Kappa Delta Chi Sorority and Omega Delta Phi fraternity at Eastern Washington University for providing several prize baskets and volunteers to help with set up and clean up, Cheney High School Key Club for volunteering at the event, Cheney Assisted Living residents who placed wrapped candies into several thousand plastic eggs, Cheney Fire department for bringing the fire truck and giving the starting signal, city of...

  • Trump, Sanders are products of voter anger and frustration

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Apr 7, 2016

    Some thoughts on this year’s presidential campaigns, so far. A friend of mine told me he was listening to a local, conservative talk radio show the other day and the host asked the question, essentially, how it was that Donald Trump has emerged as the front runner for the Republican Party’s nominee for president. That’s a good question. I’ll give you one of many answers, and it’s short. Look in the mirror. Harsh? Maybe, but really, Trump and the whole Republican process so far has been a case of reaping that which has been...

  • Cost of Boeing airplanes at heart of job cuts

    Don C. Brunell, Contributor|Updated Apr 7, 2016

    Boeing’s new cost-reduction plan has deep ramifications for Washington because the bulk of the 4,500 job cuts are likely to land here. CEO Dennis Muilenburg asked investors to view the savings initiative as “playing offense in a competitive marketplace” even though Boeing has a $431 billion backlog of 5,800 aircraft orders. Translated, Muilenburg means the aerospace giant needs to find ways to lower the price tag of its airplanes. Boeing leaders worry because Airbus’ A320 sc...

  • Eunice Pallviny Greener

    Updated Mar 24, 2016

    Eunice V. Pallviny Greener, born to Armand Victor Pallviny and Lydia Issak Pallviny in Leola, S.D. on March 26, 1923, passed away on Feb. 25, 2016. She exemplified the love of Jesus throughout her life with kindness, compassion, generosity, hugs, radiating smile, prayers of praise, thanksgiving and concerns, words of hope and encouragement and letting others see the beauty of God’s creation through her eyes and heart. Eunice was a loving devoted wife to her husband Walter Greener. They married July 3, 1943 and celebrated t...

  • McMorris Rodgers truths

    Updated Mar 24, 2016

    It’s time for the truth concerning Cathy McMorris Rodgers. She is part of the most dysfunctional Congress ever. She is paid $174,000 a year by us to work for the 5th District of Washington state. This is what she has done: voted over 60 times to stop all of us from getting affordable health care, voted to cut millions of dollars from food programs for children and the disabled, voted against our veterans health, voted for cuts to Medicare, voted for raising the eligibility age for Medicare to 67, privatizing our Social S...

  • Support Sanders March 26

    Updated Mar 24, 2016

    Are you concerned about the number of fires we experienced last summer? Does the number of dangerous, mile-long trains, especially oil trains that come through Cheney blowing their horns and blocking intersections, bother you? Have you noticed that our summers are hotter and drier? Are you concerned about climate change? Then you should vote for Bernie Sanders in the upcoming Democratic Caucus. He is the only candidate for president, either Republican or Democrat that has consistently considered climate change as a major issu...

  • Lt. Gov. Brad Owen served 'Our Washington' well

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Mar 24, 2016

    For the last 20 years, Lt. Gov. Brad Owen (D) has served Washington well. Now, he is retiring and leaving the state senate as he found it — a dignified place to debate and enact public policy. Owen, a former convenience store owner in Shelton, will not seek re-election. It will be the first time in 40 years that his name will not be on the November ballot. He was elected to the state house in 1976 and then to the senate in 1983. Owen is currently the longest serving l...

  • Taxed Enough

    Updated Mar 24, 2016

    Thank you, Cheney Free Press, for highlighting the taxation issue out-of-town residents are having with their city of Cheney utility bills. Like many others, I was surprised to see new taxes of $25 added to my February statement. The ladies at the city were very pleasant, but couldn’t offer much help. To put it into more perspective, in the three years we’ve lived outside of Cheney we have replaced windows, added insulation, changed pellet stoves, added wood heat, replaced an old refrigerator and replaced sliders and ext...

  • It's time for a better understanding of the Vietnam War

    Updated Mar 24, 2016

    There’s an effort in place that’s long overdue and will be ongoing over basically the next decade. The 2008 National Defense Authorization Act authorized the Secretary of Defense to conduct a program to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. The observance extends until Veteran’s Day 2025. Spokane’s Daughters of the American Revolution, Jonas Babcock Chapter, are at the forefront of the effort to recognize both living and deceased Vietnam veterans locally. And to date, on a statewide basis, there were dozens...

  • Quick drawing media needs to hold their fire

    Updated Mar 17, 2016

    During an idle day for the Big Sky Conference men’s basketball tournament March 10, and an off day for Eastern Washington, the Eagles still crept into the news. Make that newsmaker Eastern head coach Jim Hayford, the fifth-year Eagles basketball boss. In a San Francisco Chronicle story from Steve Kroner about the firing of University of San Francisco head basketball coach Rex Walters, Hayford was one of two names mentioned as Walters’ possible replacement because of his Bay Area roots. Hayford was in some pretty good com...

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