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  • Gov. Inslee, apologize to fired state workers

    Updated May 19, 2023

    Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee is busy signing bills. I think he should start putting his John Hancock on apology letters to former state workers who were terminated because of his vaccine mandate. I doubt he will. In a press release about the move, the Inslee administration says that the end of the employment requirement “aligns with the end of the federal public health emergency and the lifting of vaccination requirements for federal employees and contractors on May 11. Last week, the World Health Organization announced a...

  • Failing to act legalizes drugs

    Updated May 19, 2023

    The state Legislature is headed back to Olympia this week for a special session specifically to deal with the prospect of all drugs becoming legal July 1. Sen. Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville, says he hopes lawmakers will pass a new drug-possession law to fix last year’s so-called “Blake fix.” At issue is a temporary law that expires at the end of next month relating to possession of drugs in Washington. The temporary law was implemented during the 2022 legislative session after the state Supreme Court ruled the previous drug-...

  • Cheney council abdicated its moral obligation

    Updated May 19, 2023

    In a shameful abdication of their duty and moral obligation to the people of Cheney, 5 of 7 elected City Council members voted May 9 – against the resounding opposition of their constituents – to approve rezoning a north Cheney mobile home park. This rezoning opens the door for owner Todd Tarbert, an out-of-town landlord who has done little to maintain or improve the park in the nearly 20 years he has owned the property, to move forward with redevelopment that would displace almost 60 households, including low-income, eld...

  • Republicans threaten democracy

    Updated May 12, 2023

    President Joe Biden is seeking re-election. I wish he were younger and I might favor other Democrats — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and 2020 presidential contenders Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker come to mind. But Biden’s record is impressive and he may have the best chance of winning the presidency. Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has opposed everything Democrats proposed from the day former President Barack Obama was inaugurated, even if originally Republican-proposed. And Republican opposition has...

  • Agriculture is Washington state's backbone

    Updated May 12, 2023

    Throughout our state, fruit trees are blossoming and vibrant tulip fields blooming. Colorful lentils carpet the fields on the Palouse. It’s spring, when photographers and sightseers have a field day. While spring is eye-catching, it is the late summer and fall when our state reaps the benefits of the harvest. It is when crops yield “green” generating cash in markets around the world. While Washington ranks 14th in agriculture revenue nationwide, our state is a leader in apples, cherries, wine, dairy products, beef cattl...

  • Vaccine mandate news - and a disturbing lack of news

    Updated May 12, 2023

    A May 1 press release from the White House announced that the Biden administration has started the process to end COVID-19 vaccine rules placed on health care facilities receiving Medicaid and Medicare. A vaccine mandate on federal employees, contractors and international air travelers is also coming to an end May 11, the same day that the COVID-19 public health emergency ends. “We are now in a different phase of our response when these measures are no longer necessary,” the White House says. A story in the Boston Herald repo...

  • Public safety failures the legacy of 2023

    Sen. Mark Schoesler|Updated May 5, 2023

    This session saw some bipartisan successes as lawmakers and citizens were in Olympia together for the first time in nearly three years. That in-person interaction is always key for working relationships and good workable solutions to our state’s problems. The transportation budget and capital budget were both very bipartisan. Republicans were allowed to give input and Democrat budget writers worked to fund projects important to legislators on both sides of the aisle. Sen. Schoesler was the lead negotiator for Senate R...

  • Parting thoughts at the end of the 2023 legislative session

    Sen. Judy Warnick|Updated May 5, 2023

    By Sen. Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake, Republican Caucus Chair Beef Day is the second-best day of the legislative session, next to the last day. Probably the best news about the 2023 legislative session is that we adjourned on time, although there are grumblings from even the governor that he may call for a special session to deal with flawed drug-possession law problem known as the Blake decision. More about that later. As a state senator representing large parts of eastern Washington and chair of the Senate Republican Caucus,...

  • Democracy cost

    Douglas Brunell|Updated May 5, 2023

    By Douglas Brunell The Cheney city council is not a democracy, but, rather, it is communism. There are three mistakes that the Cheney city council made that proves that this is communism in the Cheney city council, which are as follows: The Cheney city council stated that even if they vote “no” on rezoning, Tarbert can still close the park, evict everyone, and make us all homeless. This makes no sense at all because if Tarbert closed the park without the city council approval rezoning, Tarbert would lose millions of dol...

  • Earth Day isn't about politics

    Updated Apr 27, 2023

    On Earth Day this year, I will be planting two trees in a local park. This is not a political act. And yet, there are many who will see it that way because it occurs on a day politicians and environmental activists – especially on the left – have appropriated for political purposes. By filtering environmental stewardship though the distorting lens of politics, we are losing the ability to enjoy the beautiful creation around us, making it more difficult to take actions that should otherwise be uncontroversial. For exa...

  • Consequences Too Extreme To Just Ditch Carbon Fuels

    Updated Apr 27, 2023

    By Don C. Brunell President Biden is unwisely “throttling up” plans to ditch carbon fuels unilaterally despite the extreme consequences of doing so. He wants to accelerate replacement of gas/diesel vehicles with electrics (EVs) which will be recharged by electrical grids energized by solar, wind and hydro power---- not coal, natural gas, or nuclear fuels. Additionally, in our state, Governor Inslee mimicked Berkeley (CA) building codes stopping the installation of natural gas stoves and water heaters; however, a federal app...

  • Lawmakers refrain from tax hikes

    Updated Apr 27, 2023

    A miracle of sorts took place under the Capitol dome on April 23. The state Legislature adjourned its 2023 legislative session without raising taxes. I want to point it out because I’m not sure anyone outside Olympia will notice. There have been a dozen major tax increases in the state since the Legislature fell under one-party control in 2018. The biggest ones kicked in this year and are just beginning to bite. We also saw four big new tax proposals. None of them passed this session, but don’t worry – they’ll be back on...

  • Segregation by skin color is illegal

    Updated Apr 20, 2023

    Last week, a parents group filed a complaint against Pathfinder K-8 Public School in Seattle for racial discrimination.  The civil rights group filed a complaint on April 11 with the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education against principal Britney Holmes and the Seattle School District for discriminating against white students at the elementary school. The complaint presents evidence that Principal Holmes issued invitations to black and “multi-racial” children to attend an educational program but e...

  • Budget funds study to improve Highway 904

    Updated Apr 20, 2023

    For the past 33 years, my wife and I have lived in a house near State Route 904, which connects Cheney to Interstate 90. When we bought our house in 1990, this highway had only a modest amount of traffic on it. Turning onto the highway was seldom dangerous. That is no longer the case. SR-904 has become more congested and more dangerous. It’s easy to understand why. Since 1990, Cheney’s population has grown from just over 8,200 to nearly 13,100. Spokane County’s population also has increased significantly during this perio...

  • Fighting for taxpayers and affordability

    Updated Apr 20, 2023

    Individuals and families continue to face high inflation and other cost-of-living challenges. When everything costs a little more, it can add up to a lot of economic anxiety. For many families now, it’s not about whether they can afford the vacation; it’s about whether they can buy soccer shoes for their kids, food for their table, and medications they need to survive. While there are macroeconomic factors out of the Legislature’s control, state lawmakers can – and do – make policies that impact people’s pocketbooks...

  • Employers Struggle to Find Work Balance

    Updated Apr 14, 2023

    By Don C. Brunell Today, employers continue to struggle finding enough workers while attempting to bring people back to the office (work sites). A key problem is there simply aren’t enough people to fill available jobs. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce reported at the end of February, there were 9.9 million job openings and 5.9 million unemployed workers. The Chamber added if every unemployed person in the country found a job, there would still be 4 million vacant positions. As America emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic, many e...

  • Proposal to get repeat impaired drivers off the road is moving forward in Olympia

    Updated Apr 14, 2023

    By Sen. Mike Padden In recent years, drunk and drug-impaired driving has become a greater problem on Washington’s roads and highways. It is a major reason for the alarming increase in accidents and traffic deaths and injuries. Just a month ago, a horrible crash happened on Interstate 82 near Sunnyside in which a 20-year-old man who eluded State Patrol troopers eventually drove westbound on eastbound I-82 and collided with an eastbound vehicle. Two children in the other car were killed and the other driver and a third child we...

  • Attacking Second Amendment doesn't address core causes of society's violence and lawlessness

    Updated Apr 14, 2023

    By Sen. Keith Wagoner On the Saturday before Easter, the state Senate’s majority Democrats passed what they call an “assault weapons ban.” In reality, the bill targets several of the most popular sporting and self-defense firearms in the country, including most modern sporting rifles and even some shotguns used for hunting and competition shooting. My Republican colleagues and I debated the measure for nearly three hours, using the amendment process to try to point out the fallacies of their arguments and mitigate some of the...

  • School Safety Needs Wider Attention

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    My Mom would be horrified by the rash of violence in our schools today. The most recent tragedy at Covenant School in Nashville where three students and three adults were shot to death is devastating. It was unimaginable 40 years ago. Mom was an elementary school secretary for 20 years. She wanted us--her four children--to become teachers. A key reason was schools were safe places for kids, teachers, and staff---places where students learned the fundamental skills required in...

  • State payroll tax to hit businesses this summer

    Joe Schmick|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    House and Senate budget writers released their 2023-25 state operating budget proposals recently. It was a reminder that taxpayers have been very kind to the state’s coffers as revenue forecasts over the past few years have continued to increase. As a result of taxpayer largess and the majority party’s proclivity to spend every dime available, state spending has more than doubled over the past 10 years. Has our population doubled? No. According to the Washington State Off...

  • State capital gains income tax upheld

    Sen. Mark Schoesler|Updated Mar 30, 2023

    Ever since legislative Democrats passed a law (Senate Bill 5096) two years ago creating a capital gains state income tax in Washington, observers on both sides of the political aisle have been waiting for the controversial law to make its way to the state Supreme Court, where the court’s nine justices would decide whether the law was constitutional. Following a hearing in late January, the Supreme Court on March 24 issued its ruling, one that has opponents of this tax shaking their heads in disbelief. The court upheld the c...

  • The new cap-and-invest law on track to make Washington less affordable

    Rep. Mary Dye|Updated Mar 30, 2023

    Washington held its first carbon allowance auction on March 7 under the new cap-and-invest law passed in 2021. Results from the first auction were announced on March 14, in which industry participants and speculators bid on a limited number of “allowances” offered by the state. California implemented the nation’s first multi-sector cap-and-trade program in 2015, which covers virtually its entire economy. Washington’s Climate Commitment Act sets more aggressive goals than California. The final tally on Washington’s first auc...

  • Skilled Worker Shortage Could Derail "Electrify Everything"

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Mar 23, 2023

    In the race to “Electrify Everything” there are glitches which may derail the plan over the next 20 years. One is a shortage of skilled electrical workers needed to rewire homes, make grid modifications, and install new electrical capacity. President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, signed in August, contains billions of dollars to help Americans electrify their homes, buy electric vehicles, replace natural gas stoves, and install solar panels. “The problem is most ho...

  • Protect local pharmacies

    Sen. Shelly Short|Updated Mar 23, 2023

    In small communities across Eastern Washington, the local pharmacy is a business you rely on. Often it is the only outlet for miles around where you can get your prescriptions filled and find a well-stocked selection of over-the-counter medications. Imagine what you would do if it closed. This is the troubling prospect facing many independent pharmacy owners today, due to a convoluted business model that has put them at the mercy of a handful of firms that process benefits for health insurers. Known as pharmacy benefits...

  • Public safety needs more than just a step in the right direction

    Sen. Judy Warnick|Updated Mar 23, 2023

    Law enforcement in our region continue to serve the people with professionalism, dedication and compassion. The brave men and women behind the badge are an integral part of our communities and are doing everything they can to keep our communities safe despite the unfortunate restrictions placed on them and the shortage of needed resources and staffing. We are fortunate that on our side of the mountains that the types of crime and spikes in violent offenses haven’t quite reached the extreme levels seen in western Washington. H...

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