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  • Deputy Pendell speaks to retirees

    Updated Jul 7, 2016

    Spokane County Sheriff’s Deputy Travis Pendell, spoke to the Retired Public Employees Chapter 14 on June 22, describing his work as the resource officer for the Medical Lake School District as well as the types of scams that target retirees. As the school resource officer, he works with staff and counselors, supporting positive behavior, and preventing poor behavior from escalating into criminal behavior. Pendell said that there are many types of scams. One scammer called 200 people before finding one who fell for his s...

  • Do not leave children and pets in cars on hot days

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Jul 7, 2016

    Last week, I spoke with Medical Lake City Administrator Doug Ross and Fire Chief Jason Mayfield, who hoped the city’s residents would not be careless with lighting fireworks during the Fourth of July holiday because of the current cooler temperatures. This got me to thinking about some of the other warnings we hear about in the summer, mainly the ones relating to children and pets in hot cars. Every year we have to be reminded about this issue and it seems like a simple task to not leave children and pets inside of a hot v...

  • McMorris Rodgers' support for constituents questioned

    Updated Jul 7, 2016

    This past spring, Republican Cathy McMorris Rodgers, our 5th District Representative in Congress for 12 years and trying for another term, has been holding “Conversations with Cathy.” I attended one in Spokane Valley on Monday morning, April 4 at the HUB. The majority of questions swirled around finances, taxes and banking. It was interesting that McMorris Rodgers supports a flat tax, opposes retirement protections (regulations to protect consumers retirement funds) and supports dipping into the “entitlements” to balance...

  • Watch South Carolina closely - their ports are gaining on us

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Jun 30, 2016

    Washington state leaders need to keep an eye on South Carolina. It is a state that is becoming a strong magnet to attract business. A couple of years ago, the front-page news was the competition between Seattle and Charleston to lure Boeing’s 787 assembly production. Now, it has grown to include international trade and the associated economic development and jobs. Washington and South Carolina are among our nation’s leaders in international trade. Our state’s ports proce...

  • Believe it or not, news reporting is better today

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Jun 30, 2016

    “By allowing the general public unprecedented access to the original papers, this book lets us learn firsthand what many modern historians claim: Without newspapers, there would have been no American Revolution.” That claim was made by writer Todd Andrlik during a February 2015 interview about his then latest book: “Reporting the Revolutionary War: Before it was History, it was News.” The role of newspapers, and by extension the news media, in history is sometimes overlooked. Yet newspapers, and the ability to publish...

  • We've changed - but we're still a great country

    Updated Jun 30, 2016

    Ask anyone their thoughts on the Fourth of July holiday and you’re likely to get as many different answers as there are individuals. Some lament the loss of the home-fireworks display, a staple of many past celebrations. Those old enough might remember cavorting in their yard twirling bright sparklers in the warm, twilight air, watching sizzling, black snakes uncoil — staining dad’s nice front sidewalk — while fountain fireworks blossomed and, now and then, Roman candles chugged their multi-colored charges into the night s...

  • Dave Wilson is an alternative to establishment politics

    Updated Jun 23, 2016

    As a lifelong Republican, I reject Donald Trump and what he stands for: racism, xenophobia, nativism and contempt for women, the disabled and other groups. Rather than adhere to our party’s conservative principles and state a clear program, he offers a vague vision of “making America Great Again” and simplistic slogans about “building a wall” and deporting millions of undocumented workers. He is demagogue who most thoughtful people will surely reject as president and commander in chief. At the minimum, who would want the...

  • Sanders supporters urged to rally to Hillary Clinton

    Updated Jun 23, 2016

    A shout out to fellow Bernie supporters! We have had a big disappointment, but it is not wasted effort. Many people have been moved, new ideas have been heard, thoughts are percolating that have not been on the radar. He, and many of you, have spent great energy, money and time. We are part of democracy in action, and though we aren’t totally happy; this country is many times better than most. Just read the news. It is imperative that all Bernie Sanders supporters vote in November. I hope it will be for Hillary. She was n...

  • Priggee should not just be seen, but heard too

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Jun 23, 2016

    The images of political cartoonist Milt Priggees are seen regularly on the pages of the Cheney Free Press in the opinion section. The real Priggee, however, showed up June 9 to present lectures entitled “Cartooning in the Evergreen State.” His stops included the library in Cheney. The former Spokesman Review editorial cartoonist lives in the Puget Sound area and was part of a speaker series sponsored by Humanities Washington. It’s too bad that for whatever reason, only a han...

  • Beyond the fears, there are advantages to STEP

    Updated Jun 23, 2016

    June 7 and 8 were a couple of banner days for the Spokane Tribe of Indians. On June 7, they received word they had been designated a Promise Zone by the federal government, a move putting them near the top of the list when they apply for economic development grants and other assistance. The next day, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee concurred with a 2015 U.S. Department of the Interior ruling that the tribe’s casino project should move forward despite opposition from the Spokane County Commissioners, Greater Spokane Incorporated a...

  • Initiative would protect grandparents' relationship

    Updated Jun 16, 2016

    Grandparents by the thousands are grieving today because they haven’t been able to see their grandchildren through no fault of their own. As of 2000, Washington state hasn’t had any law to protect the bonded relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren. Death, divorce, non-marital breakups and disagreements are at the center of this issue. New spouse’s don’t want “old” family members in their lives so they move on while leaving the grandparents behind that have been involved in their precious grandchildr...

  • McMorris Rodgers should have said 'no' to Trump

    Updated Jun 16, 2016

    Cathy McMorris Rodgers recently announced on her Facebook site that she was “not exactly” enthusiastic casting her ballot for Donald Trump in the recent primary given her concerns about Trump’s “comments on women, people with disabilities and those with different backgrounds.” She called his “comments wrong in a presidential campaign; in our workplaces; in our homes and anywhere else.” Given all this, perhaps a more effective approach than voting for Trump would have been to follow the example of Nancy Reagan by “Just Say...

  • Use love and respect to fight the hate in the world

    Updated Jun 16, 2016

    By AL STOVER Staff Reporter I’m sure by now everyone has heard about the shooting at the Pulse, a gay nightclub, in Orlando, Fla., where 49 people were shot and killed, and 53 were injured. Many are calling the Pulse shooting the worst terror attack in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001. At approximately 2 a.m., the gunman Omar Mateen, walked into the Pulse, which had around 300 people inside, and opened fire. During the attack, he called 911 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. Reports say the FBI interviewed Mat...

  • Gender concepts too much for young students

    Updated Jun 16, 2016

    There is a buzz going about the Washington state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction adding concepts like gender identity, expression and roles to its curriculum guidelines for the K-12 Health and Physical Education Learning Standards. Some examples of these lessons that would be taught to students include kindergartners learning about the different ways to express gender, second-graders understanding the range of gender roles, and third-graders discovering how those roles can vary in society. Fourth-graders would...

  • Cutting Social Security not the answer to budget woes

    Updated Jun 9, 2016

    The Cheney Free Press of May 26, 2016 printed a guest commentary by Don C. Brunell, retired Pption of Washington Business. As expected of Mr. Brunell, his commentary presented the usual Republican rubric that the national debt must be reduced and one of the major financial problems of the debt crisis is Social Security. It is true the debt is a problem but it is false that Social Security is a problem. In 2014 Social Security’s receipts were $931.1 billion and expenses were $906.8 billion, a net gain of $24.3 billion. A...

  • Matching websites available for prospective volunteers

    Updated Jun 9, 2016

    Thank you for the excellent editorial about volunteering and volunteerism (Cheney Free Press, June 2). We are blessed in the West Plains with so many able and willing volunteers. Some resources for local volunteer opportunities are: justserve.org and another one called volunteermatch.org. Both sites match those who want to volunteer to organizations that need volunteers. And, if you are part of an organization that needs volunteers, be sure to post your opportunities on those sites. Thank you to those on the West Plains who...

  • Nation's health insurance is still one big mess

    Updated Jun 9, 2016

    Want to start a lively and passionate discussion? Dumb question these days when the 2016 presidential election contains all the elements necessary for a debate. Nope, one need only mention, as Wikipedia calls it, “the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or, colloquially, Obamacare,” and the wheels get turning and sparks flying. But why are we still talking about the now six-plus year-old ACA when such a “target rich” landscape exists out there already? There’s...

  • Learning about your past takes knowledge, interaction

    Updated Jun 9, 2016

    By JOHN McCALLUM Editor I was blessed with parents who were active, strong and engaged readers and who encouraged the development and refinement of that trait in their children. That’s where my love of history started. But it was more than just reading. My father served in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. His father, my grandfather, was a chaplain during the war in the South Pacific, beginning with being a part of the Army’s 25th Infantry Division that relieved U.S. Marines at a lovely, tropical getaway called Gua...

  • Riding the customer service merry-go-round

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Jun 2, 2016

    Tom Davis, where were you when the big mega-cable folks first came to Spokane in the 1970s? Oh, I forgot, you just told me you were staking your territory out here on the West Plains where your tech support is within driving distance. Or on the phone where locals work to solve the problem, and if not, you dispatch someone who can. If you think you’ve heard this story before about issues pertaining to Comcast, my cable and Internet provider, you have not. In my estimation t...

  • Events don't happen without volunteers

    Updated Jun 2, 2016

    During the recently completed Cheney Mayfest celebration, the 3-on-3 basketball tournament was in jeopardy, lacking volunteers for important positions such as scorekeepers and courtside monitors. But then players and parents from the Cheney High School Lady Blackhawks basketball team stepped up to volunteer, asking, “What can we do to help?” With their assistance, the event took place, providing fun and competition for players and spectators alike. For those aware of this, it’s an important reminder of what volunteering means...

  • Thanks from ML Food Bank

    Updated May 26, 2016

    The citizens of Medical Lake came through again. The Post Office had a food drive and our shelves are stocked. Thank you to all who contributed and to the drivers who picked up the sacks of food on their routes. The Medical Lake Food Bank Joyce Callaway Medical Lake...

  • Fear keeps us from learning about each other

    Updated May 26, 2016

    There is a lot of talk, some of it emotionally charged, these days about where people are allowed to go to the bathroom. This talk is focused on transgender individuals, people who are born physically of one sex yet identify as the other. It’s a confusing subject since most of us likely don’t know anyone who is transgender. Because of that, it’s a subject where fear can have a heavy influence. None of us on the Cheney Free Press editorial board knows someone who is transgender. Some of us have been in the proximity of people...

  • Now is the time to deal with our national debt

    Don C. Brunell|Updated May 26, 2016

    By DON C. BRUNELL Contributor Now that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are certain to be the Democrat and Republican presidential candidates, it is time for them to deal with our national debt. Our nation is on an unsustainable borrowing trajectory. We now owe over $19 trillion to lenders of which nearly half are offshore (including China). At the rate which we are selling treasury notes, the deficit will balloon to $21.1 trillion by 2020. That means when the presidential...

  • Every elderly person deserves the same respect and care

    Updated May 19, 2016

    In the Associated Press’ May 8 story “Nursing homes turn to eviction to drop difficult patients,” readers learn that nursing homes in different parts of the country are — as the article put it — “increasingly evicting their most challenging residents.” Advocacy groups say many of the residents who are targeted for eviction are those who pay with Medicaid and are difficult to take care for, including some who are suffering from dementia in favor of short-term rehabilitation patients and those who pay privately. In the AP sto...

  • Wait to get behind the wheel after using marijuana

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated May 19, 2016

    I came across a couple of reports that had to do with automobile accidents and marijuana use. According to data from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, “the percentage of drivers in fatal crashes who recently used marijuana more than doubled between 2013 and 2014 in Washington state” and “one in six drivers involved in fatal crashes in the state recently used marijuana in 2014.” I have nothing against marijuana. I don’t smoke it, but I have friends who use it for recreational and medicinal purposes. When it comes to...

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