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  • Local restaurant offers up unexpected burger delight

    Updated Sep 15, 2016

    To those who know me, or read this paper, it is no secret that have I lived a million miles of memories on the road. So it may surprise you that the best burger I have had in quite some time, was in Cheney. The Top of the Line Restaurant provided me with a culinary delight. I met my friend Carl there for lunch before my latest winter sojourn to the central coast of California. The Hatch Pepper Cheese Burger was awesome. Every bite was juicy and perfect and hot in taste. Large patty sized just a little larger than a bun that...

  • Lucky to have good firefighters

    Updated Sep 15, 2016

    As rural residents and farmers and ranchers we are very fortunate to have dedicated and hard working firefighters from Spokane County District 3 and as residents near the Spokane-Whitman County line we have great support from St. John, Rosalia and Lamont fire districts. We would like to thank all of the fire departments and first responders who helped with our grain field and combine fire on Aug. 27. We especially want to thank the “Miller Boys” from Miller Land and Livestock, our good neighbors and friends who saw the smo...

  • Tom Hastings' views are anti-military

    Updated Sep 15, 2016

    Back on July 21, Tom Hastings’ commentary was a flame thrower aimed at Donald Trump and everything military. Last week his commentary railed at Republicans and their support of the military. He says the “Big Lie” is any Republican challenge to out-of-control Democrat spending. Really? Hastings is a propaganda machine perpetuating deception by sins of commission (misinformation) and omission (partial information) while demonizing his opposition (anyone supporting the military) by hurling unbridled invectives. Misin...

  • Learning a significant lesson in respect

    SAMANTHA GILLIHAN, Contributor|Updated Sep 15, 2016

    Editor’s note: The PACE (Partners Advancing Character Education) character trait for September is respect. A few weeks ago, my daughter received a lecture about showing more respect at home. It was not the first lecture of its kind. In true preteen style, it was met with an eye roll and a bored, “I know, I know …” It was a frustrating moment. With as many times as we had that same discussion, my repeated words were not sinking in. Then I asked myself to define respect. I had a jumble of ideas come to mind, but nothing...

  • It's National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, start listening

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Sep 15, 2016

    In trying to find a topic for this week’s column, I came across an image that was making the rounds on social media. The picture was of a person with the caption “Just found out there’s a number to the suicide hotline I can text now! Relieved because I’m better at texting than I am at talking. Press START to 741-741.” The image came from the Facebook page “Payton’s Pledge to Stop the Bullying,” which is a site dedicated to the memory of Payton Ruth Ann Anderson, who died in 2012 after a self-inflicting gunshot wound....

  • No tax and spend politicians

    TOM H. HASTINGS, Contributor|Updated Sep 8, 2016

    What is the new frame for Republican Senate candidates? In Arizona, John McCain claims that once Hillary Clinton is elected, only he and the Rs can stop her from reckless spending. This is the general “Big Lie” used by Republicans over the years and this should be the election when it evaporates into its plainly empty vapor. In the harsh light of the actual budget day, Republicans are the champions of a war profiteering budget that routinely outspends everybody everywhere. They fund massive weapons programs to bomb acr...

  • Change needed in 5th District

    Updated Sep 8, 2016

    How many of you think this country is progressing in the right direction? How many of you think that our Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers is representing and supporting your positions? How many of you can count on being heard when you call, send a letter, email or attend a town hall meeting? Probably most of you would answer no to these questions. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, our representative in Congress for the 5th District, has been our representative in Congress for five terms, and she doesn’t need a sixth. She has lost touch w...

  • Trump rhetoric puts citizens at risk

    Updated Sep 8, 2016

    My son and daughter-in-law instruct farmers worldwide in sustainable agriculture. They’ve worked in Muslim countries without incident for over 10 years. But now they fear for their safety if Donald Trump is elected president. Even before Trump was the presumptive Republican nominee, the Islamic State recruited terrorists using videos featuring Trump’s call to ban Muslims from the U.S. And if elected, terrorist recruitment featuring his bigotry will be even more effective. Such Trump-inspired terrorist recruitment tactics can...

  • 9/11 anniversary is a reminder of freedom's vulnerability

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Sep 8, 2016

    This Sunday marks the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon — now knowingly referred to as 9/11. In the days leading up to it as well as Sunday itself there will be many remembrances of that awful Tuesday morning 15 years ago when, as many have put it, “our world changed forever.” It’s a fair statement to make, regardless of where you live on this globe. The remembrances taking place will range from simple memorial ceremonies to broadcasting of numerous documentaries about t...

  • Cat-calling not as innocent as one may think

    Updated Sep 8, 2016

    Most of us at some point in our lives were walking down the street and we heard a complete stranger whistle or shout at a woman, complementing on their body or their clothes. Or it might have been a driver honking at someone and asking for their phone number. Many of us refer to this behavior as “cat-calling.” Cat-calling is something that might seem innocent to some — after all a person who is doing this to a stranger isn’t physically harming them. Rather, they’re just trying to illicit a response and/or bring attention...

  • Wind energy payments contribute to local roads 

    LUCAS NELSEN, Contributor|Updated Sep 1, 2016

    The Mower County Board of Commissioners recently voted to dedicate revenue from local wind farms to road repairs and maintenance. The payment, likely $330,000 to $500,000 each year for a 10-year period, will contribute significantly toward fixing important infrastructure in the county. Renewable energy generation continues to grow as an industry. New infrastructure has made it possible for projects to be built across the Midwest, bringing with them a range of benefits, some obvious, others less so. At the Center for Rural...

  • The best laid schemes of mice and men make fine excuses, too

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Sep 1, 2016

    “The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry.” Author John Steinbeck borrowed these well-worn words from poet Robert Burns when he wrote his 1937 novel, “Of Mice and Men.” Today, the word “scheme” is often replaced by “plans,” and it just seems to sound better. Schemes just seem to have rocky connotations, where plans appear well drawn out. Regardless, the meaning holds true. In not so many words, the plot of the book follows Depression-era migrant workers, George...

  • Late fire season serves as a reminder to us all

    Updated Sep 1, 2016

    For the better part of the summer of 2016, the Inland Northwest has been living on borrowed time when it comes to wildfires. It was just a year ago, as school was about to start, that a dingy horizon and smelly air greeted us for seemingly days on end as fires torched hundreds of thousands of acres in Okanogan, Ferry and Stevens counties. This year, both mornings and evenings, have been generally delightful. But on the afternoon of Aug. 21, the predicted dry cold front that passed through our region proved to be the trigger...

  • Endorsement dishonors, disrespects others

    Updated Aug 25, 2016

    Washingont 5th District Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers endorses and supports a person to lead our nation who disrespects and dishonors the very citizens of the nation he wants to lead. Cathy has not unendorsed or unsupported this person, thereby embracing the future he promotes in degrading individuals, and showing her lack of character and courage in facing up to it. Cathy’s endorsement means she openly approves of this person’s positions that dishonor and disrespect Sen. John McCain as no war hero because he was captured and...

  • Focusing on the positive can help relations

    Updated Aug 25, 2016

    Concert goers to hip-hop/jazz/funk/reggae artist Micheal Franti and Spearhead’s recent appearance at Spokane’s Knitting Factory as part of his “Power to the Peaceful” tour were treated to over two-and-a-half-hours of danceable music with good vibes. Franti told his audience at one point that only about 10 percent of an individual’s personality involves negativity, while the remaining 90 percent is all about doing good things for others. And yet, we tend to let this 10 percent influence our interactions with others. For insta...

  • U.S. Olympic success leads to Internal Revenue Service gold

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Aug 25, 2016

    Guess who was among the first to welcome our Olympic athletes back home from Rio? None other than the IRS. For U.S. athletes, winning an Olympic medal comes with pride, glory — and a hefty federal tax bill. According to TIME magazine, Michael Phelps owes over $55,000 in federal income taxes for his five gold and one silver medals earned at the recently concluded summer games. That’s a whopping amount even for someone whose net worth is $55 million. The U.S. is one of a few...

  • Investors want high tech companies to save water

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Aug 18, 2016

    Recently, Bloomberg reported that investors in massive data centers are making water availability a critical measurement in their decisions — especially in drought-ridden California. Data centers, giant buildings packed with servers which power our virtual world, generate tremendous amounts of intolerable heat. Traditionally, the centers have large cooling systems which require millions of gallons of freshwater. That’s a big problem because water is increasingly in short sup...

  • Airway Heights Recreation Center can be benefit to many

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Aug 18, 2016

    The dream of Airway Heights having its own recreation center is one step closer to becoming a reality. Airway Heights’ Proposition 1 bond initiative, which would help fund a proposed $13 million recreation center, is expected to pass with 61.12 percent (503-320 votes) of the vote total. The bond will be levied against all taxable property within the city. Homeowners with a $100,000 house will pay an extra $11.56 per month in property taxes. A resident with a $200,000 home will pay an extra $23.21 per month. If all goes a...

  • President is wasting America's energy windfall

    Dan Kish, Contributor|Updated Aug 18, 2016

    Oil imports could soon be a thing of the past. That’s the main takeaway from a new report from Nordic consulting firm Rystad. Researchers estimated the total recoverable oil reserves still buried under American soil. The final figure is astonishing: 264 billion barrels —more than any other nation in the world. Unlocking these reserves would generate tremendous benefits for the economy and move America towards full energy independence. Yet the White House has repeatedly stood in the way. Time and again, this adm...

  • Thank you from Tennis-A-Thon

    Updated Aug 11, 2016

    The 24 Hour Tennis-A-Thon committee would like to thank the sponsors for another successful year. This year we were able to bring in $4,000 to support the local food bank, outreach program, and high school tennis teams. This event is successful because of our loyal sponsors and volunteers. We look forward to seeing everyone on the court next year! 2016 sponsors: Career Path Services, European Autohaus, Jake Robinson Signs, Washington State Employees Credit Union, McDonald’s, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Davis Com...

  • Tom Hastings' utopia is dangerous to personal liberty

    Updated Aug 11, 2016

    The Guest Commentary from July 21 begs for response to Tom Hastings’ primary assertions: (1) conflict transformation can lead to a conflict-free world and (2) to get there requires social “experimentation.” Short answer: Seeking peace is laudable, but (1) Ain’t gonna happen. (2) His plan comes at the expense of your liberties. Re: point (2). Social experimentation is central in any attempt to create Hastings’ utopia — and it is utopia. Plato’s Republic, More’s Utopia, Hobbes’ Leviathan and Marx’s Communist Manifesto...

  • Debates should be more important than football

    Updated Aug 11, 2016

    Good, political discourse has been hard to find in this presidential election year. Not that it’s easier in other years – mudslinging, name-calling and other forms of personal attacks seem all too common methods for gaining the highest office in the country. But this year has been particularly rancorous, if the primary season was anything to gauge the future by and especially with the Republican field. Just to be fair though, Democrats weren’t exactly all charm and manners. Part of political discourse stems from debat...

  • Getting help from where you might least expect it

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Aug 11, 2016

    So there I was, slogging my way down a foot path carved along the slope of a rainforestcovered Guatemalan mountain in the fading twilight of a late-July Saturday evening. My head, shoes and cargo pants were soaked by the torrential rain, my pants caked in layers of mud after slipping and impacting the gooey red, Guatemalan soil that made walking in my eight-year-old Teva hiking shoes akin to dancing on ice in bedroom slippers. Even under my plastic poncho, loaned to me by my friend Nancy because I had forgotten to include my...

  • Just what makes news and what doesn't in this election?

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Aug 4, 2016

    It’s certainly an interesting time to be observing what makes the news. While sipping coffee on the morning of July 27, I had the opportunity to channel surf. And how can one not stop when the image of Donald Trump appears on the screen? Because after all, you always wonder what will next come out of his mouth? Turns out Trump was conducting a press conference at Doral, Fla. and taking questions from the assembled press corps whose job it is to report on what the R...

  • The Olympic message has certainly been lost with Rio

    Updated Aug 4, 2016

    The nations of the world funnel many of their finest athletes into Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the Games of the XXXI Olympiad for an event that seems to be making more news even before the competition starts. The Rio Olympics begin their 18-day run Friday, Aug. 5 with the opening ceremonies in the nearly 70-year-old venue known as the Maracana, the stadium that hosts both the torch lighting ceremony and the closing ceremonies, Aug. 21. Perhaps in another year — or location — the games themselves might be the topic of con...

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