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  • Generosity of others provides Thanksgiving meals for many

    Updated Dec 8, 2016

    Thank you, Tom’s Turkey Drive and Union Gospel Mission in Spokane for providing turkeys to Feed Medical Lake and Pizza Factory (Jason and family) in Medical Lake for providing four complete meals. All meals and turkeys found deserving homes. Joanna Williams, director Feed Medical Lake...

  • Thank you from the Slightly West of Spokane Artists Studio Tour

    Updated Dec 8, 2016

    To all those who attended our seventh annual Artists Studio Tour, a heartfelt “Thank you” is extended from the 21 artists who displayed their work this past Nov. 26. It was wonderful to see old friends, returning visitors and new attendees. Folks came from local towns and as far away as Rathdrum, Coeur d’Alene and other outlying areas. It brought us great joy to see you and to have your support for local artists. A shout-out also goes to the newspapers and other media who helped to get the word out about this year’s tour. W...

  • There is still time to sign grandparents visitation rights initiative

    Updated Dec 8, 2016

    Attention all alienated grandparents in Washington state: after working very hard for many months, it’s possible that the grandparents visitation rights statewide Legislative Initiative 877, Children Need Grandparents, may fall short of the required signatures by the Dec. 20 deadline. If you signed this initiative we thank you and ask you to get involved in this next step. Don’t get discouraged because the next step for the restoration of grandparents visitation rights law, was discussed and decided on at the Nov. 15 wor...

  • American Legion dinner result of Cheney businesses support

    Updated Dec 1, 2016

    The Cheney Post 72 American Legion would like to express our gratitude to the following businesses for their generous support. Our recent Veterans Day dinner and Turkey Bingo were successful, in part, because of all of you. Thank you all! Thank you to Mitchell’s Harvest Foods, Eagles Pub, Jarms, Top of the Line, El Rodeo, Roccos , Napa, O’Reilly’s, Pizza Hut, Papa Murphy’s, Cheney Feed, Subway, The Market Place, Get the Scoop, Dragonfly Crafts, Quality Inn and the Spokane Chiefs. D.D. Powell Cheney Post 72...

  • Community makes ninth Turkey Trot a success

    Updated Dec 1, 2016

    On behalf of the Cheney High School Cross Country program, we would like to thank the community of Cheney for their support of our ninth annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. There were over 500 walkers, joggers or runners present for this community event which benefits not only the Cheney Food Bank, but also our cross country program at Cheney High School. We would like to especially thank our sponsors: Cheney Federal Credit Union, Domino’s, Owl Pharmacy, State Farm Insurance, ParaSport, Safeway, Snap Fitness, M...

  • The vote recount has interesting twists

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Dec 1, 2016

    The election that we thought was once and for all over appears to not be, after all. For the general public, they thought they may have washed off the last of the dirt Nov. 9 after Hillary Clinton delivered that very painful concession speech she never likely dreamed would have to be given. For the media types it’s either that forgotten Christmas gift that never made it out of the closet, or the smell that cannot be Lysoled away. Forgotten, it seems, were the words of her s...

  • Thank you ML Boy Scouts

    Updated Dec 1, 2016

    Thanks to the Boy Scouts with over 1,300 pounds of food they collected, the Combined Fund Drive with their donations of over 800 pounds and others who give to the food bank. We serve over 200 families from the Medical Lake area each month, and every can of food helps us meet that goal. Thank you all for your generosity. Joyce Callaway Medical Lake...

  • Dig a little deeper to dampen 'Fake News'

    Updated Dec 1, 2016

    If you paid any attention to Facebook during this election, you most likely saw at least one fake news article on your feed on any given day, whether you realized it or not. The problem with these articles is that people will share these falsehoods without doing any research on their own time. Some people blamed Facebook for the outcome of the election because of the epidemic of fake news, but in reality the people are the reason why those stories were being spread. Facebook was not created to share political news to your...

  • West Plains Police News

    Updated Dec 1, 2016

    CHENEY Nov. 21 Third-degree theft was reported on the 600 block of Fifth Street. A parking meter was bent and damaged with a portion taken, however the coin box remained. Second-degree theft was reported on the 200 block of South Cheney-Spangle Road. A credit card was taken. Suspicious circumstances were reported on the 2200 block of First Street. Strange behavior, possible mental health issue. Residential burglary was reported on the 300 block of Erie Street. A PC was taken. A marijuana plant was found on the zero hundred bl...

  • Embracing our diversity will help our healing

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Abraham Lincoln made this statement on March 4, 1865 at his second inaugural address which was right towards the end of the Civil War in our country: “With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds.” We are still recovering from a very acrimonious and painful election season and no matter how we voted most likely few of us got what we wanted, but we did the best we could to vote responsib...

  • Qualifications, freedoms should be based on substance

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Rose Kline’s letters (8/4/16 and 11/17/16) disqualified Donald Trump on points involving words or actions. With much criticism of his words I agree. With much criticism of his motives and actions I find only opinion and emotion, not substance. Our Constitution allows personal choices and so do I. Consitutional disqualifications for the presidency (Article II, Section 1) number only three: age, country of birth, time of residency. Rose (8/4/16) spoke of a country based on love, fairness, trust, security and freedom. I p...

  • Candace Mumm deserved to win

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    What a surprise to learn that Candace Mumm lost the election for Spokane County Commissioner. She was the most qualified, experienced and articulate candidate. Her debate performances demonstrated real thoughtfulness and understanding of issues facing our county. Furthermore, she had a very dedicated team running her campaign, people who believed in her as a person who listens to the people. It is especially disheartening that all three Spokane County Commissioners are conservative, as has been the case for several years...

  • Look around - there's plenty of reasons to be thankful

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, unless you purchased the paper on Tuesday which in that case it’s two days away. There will be a number of print article and columns, along with broadcast stories about why we should be thankful, and what we should be thankful for this Thursday. There will also be a fair share about a number of other topics that sprout about this time such as commercialism of the holidays, stress associated with the season and leading into the “War on Christmas” — scheduled to begin this Friday, I believe. I’m not go...

  • Despite our turmoils, Americans are truly blessed

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Nov 23, 2016

    For some, Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends and give thanks for the blessings we enjoy. For others, it’s a time to volunteer at soup kitchens to help the less fortunate while many see it as simply a chance to eat a huge meal and watch football. This year is different. Americans are healing after a historic, tumultuous presidential election. Therefore, it is easy to get sidetracked on what is wrong with our country. In reality, most Americans have no i...

  • Right choice or wrong choice?

    Updated Nov 17, 2016

    For everyone who chose to put Donald Trump in the oval office I have to ask why? Do you honestly believe he can fix America’s problems? You have to love all people in this beautiful country including immigrants who are here, they came here to find peace, to find happiness that they deserve like all of us, they wanted to find an opportunity for a good education to better themselves. They are wanting freedom, they don’t want to live in countries where they have no real freedom, where they are persecuted, often times kil...

  • Tasteless political jokes belong outside of the wrestling ring

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Nov 17, 2016

    As you know, I am a longtime fan of professional wrestling. Usually when someone involved with wrestling makes the news, it’s not for a good reason, and this past weekend was no different. Joey Styles, an announcer and commentator who had worked for Extreme Championship Wrestling and the WWE, was fired from Evolve Wrestling, an independent wrestling organization. During an event, Styles made an inappropriate comment toward ring announcer Joanna Rose, saying she “looked great tonight and if our next president were here ton...

  • Keeping a watchful eye during Trump presidency

    Updated Nov 17, 2016

    The Nov. 8 election has come and gone and Republican candidate Donald Trump is the next President of the United States. Who would have thought we would be printing those words? There are many folks out there who are scared — particularly people of color, Muslims, immigrants and the LGBTQ community — of what a Trump presidency means for the country’s future. During his campaign, Trump said and promised many things, including a mass deportation of immigrants and denying some Muslims entry into the country. People from both...

  • Support in time of need appreciated

    Updated Nov 10, 2016

    I would like to thank my many friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy on the death of my husband, Don. I greatly appreciate the cards, flowers and gifts as well as the food provided for the family. I also want to thank Father Paul for his support during this time. Jean McMillan Cheney...

  • A comparison of freedoms for Veterans Day

    Updated Nov 10, 2016

    By JOHN McCALLUM Editor Those of you who know me or read my past columns know that I spend time in Guatemala periodically on mission work. My first trip was in 2008, and I have been down to that Central American country in four of the last five summers. I have made good friends in that country among the native Maya that we visit, and I follow what happens there. At times, I have even thought about what it might be like to live in Guatemala, to stay and not return home. Frankly, I feel the people we visit, the Q’eqchi Maya, t...

  • The other, more restrictive, side of the Canadian healthcare coin

    Updated Nov 10, 2016

    Mr. Luther’s letter (Cheney Free Press, Nov. 3) left a lot unsaid. Example: “two Democratic senators” helped Republicans kill a public option for Obamacare. Omitted was a third non-Republican pseudo-Democrat Lieberman. Those three would not agree to cloture. Harry Reid and Democrats, not Republicans, killed the option. Public option is the first step toward a single-payer system. Recently, Democrats Kaine, Tester and McCaskill refused to sign a Senate resolution supporting the public option. Single payer, a.k.a, a compl...

  • As we move forward the fix is all on us

    Updated Nov 10, 2016

    So what did it take? A shower, a bath — or both? Maybe taking advantage of a few unseasonably warm days recently and stepping into the new automated bay at the Brown Bear Car Wash in Cheney, sans car? Regardless, it likely took a lot to wash off the crud we’ve been spattered with along the road of the 2016 presidential campaign. But it’s done, for a few days at least until we start hearing rumblings for 2020. And don’t we somehow as a nation have to move forward? While the race was potentially a close one, or a blowout...

  • Trump is only choice for president

    Updated Nov 3, 2016

    With the presidential election less than a couple of weeks to go, this campaign will go down as one of the nastiest in history. As a retired military member with 30 years of service, I have been all over the world to protect our country. With all the garbage out there, it boils down to who you think is best to be president. Just remember Donald Trump, didn’t lie to Congress, Trump didn’t lie to the FBI, Trump didn’t have four illegal servers, Trump didn’t let four people die in Benghazi, Trump didn’t delete 30,000 e-mails o...

  • Morgan on CMR and GOP values

    Updated Nov 3, 2016

    Unfortunately, Cathy McMorris Rodger’s political ambition has left behind any moral principles. My party and McMorris Rodgers have crossed the line supporting Donald Trump and have abandoned not only standards of decency but true conservatism. I’m not sure who to vote for but it won’t be Trump or Rodgers. Tanner Morgan Walla Walla...

  • The small numbers are really pretty big in STA's Prop 1

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Nov 3, 2016

    By Staff Reporter It is seemingly such a miniscule ask from the Spokane Transit Authority on the November ballot for their Proposition 1. A yes vote will authorize a mere two-tenths of 1 percent of the sales tax to improve their service to Spokane County. But there’s another small number that voters rarely, if ever, see. Unless they subscribe to the Spokane Journal of Business and receive that publication’s yearly economic fact book, or spend endless hours diving into census d...

  • Big data uses threaten personal privacy, combats fraud

    Updated Nov 3, 2016

    What would you give up to cut back medical fraud while also improving your doctor’s ability to anticipate your medical needs before they actually occur? Would you give up your personal privacy? According to a recent Los Angeles Times story, we might not be far from this scenario. In “Consumer Confidential,” author David Lazarus writes that defense contractor Northrup Grumman has signed a $92 million contract with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to build the second phase of a computer system that while focused o...

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