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  • Opportunities with the shift from oil

    Updated Dec 29, 2016

    By DON C. BRUNELL Contributor As 2017 approaches, it is fascinating to look back at the vast changes in our lives over the last century and then imagine where we may be headed in the next 25 years. It is hard to picture that in the year 1900, more than 100,000 horses were in New York City. However, in 1917 the final horse-drawn carts, cabs and carriages left the city to be replaced by trucks, cars and buses. Henry Ford had perfected the “horseless carriage.” The Economist, a London-based magazine, highlighted the tra...

  • Taxpayer funded infrastructure is better suited to public needs

    Updated Dec 22, 2016

    The article “Airway heights gets $2.3 million transportation grant,” (CFP 12/08/16) seems benign enough, but a more substance discussion of state money lies behind it. In this divisive political time, it can be rather difficult to have an actual discussion on the merits of any infrastructure plan. Do we raise money via a gas tax and increase tab fees, do we let private companies take control and create tolls on all our roads, or do we just scrap improvements altogether? It is apparent that this loop project for our area needs...

  • To believe, or not to believe in Santa? - that is the question

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Dec 22, 2016

    Note: This column contains sensitive information about the existence of Santa Claus. Adults should silently read this piece in the presence of young children. In the last couple of weeks, some parents have probably had their children ask them that one question that is difficult to answer. No, not “where do babies come from?” This question pertains to the holidays, specifically one of its most famous icons. “Is Santa Claus real?” During Christmas time, the image of Santa Claus is everywhere. He’s on food labels, toy packaging...

  • Making the giving season a year-round thing

    Updated Dec 22, 2016

    For years at about this time of year, the Cheney Free Press has encouraged readers to make sure to do what they can to help those in the West Plains community who might be in search of food, gifts for Christmas and any number of other needs. There are always many more in need than the available resources can serve. Recently, a number of staff members have led by example by working with different programs such as Cheney Outreach and Toys for Tots; just two of untold numbers of examples of those who try to lend a helping hand....

  • Supporting unions will reinvigorate the middle class

    Updated Dec 15, 2016

    Why have many American workers abandoned the Democratic Party? During the last 50 years, Republicans have systematically weakened the unions, historically a Democratic Party base. This has led to members’ distrust of union leadership and of its endorsement of Democratic candidates. Union membership among workers has dwindled from 1-in-3 in 1960 to 1-in-10 today. Yet Democrats have failed to successfully oppose Republicans’ weakening of unions. Additionally, Republican policies promoting extreme wealth inequality have als...

  • Thank you West Plains, Emmanuel Lutheran, for supporting StageWest

    Updated Dec 15, 2016

    StageWest Community Theatre has finished our last performance for the 2016 year. We had a great run with “The Littlest Angel” from the book by Charles Tazwell and O’Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi” both adapted by first time director Judy Gross. We would like to thank the members of Emmanuel Lutheran Church for their very generous donation of the use of the building for our auditions, rehearsals and performances. We would also like to thank the following people: Mike Hartman for once again catering a very delicious meal at our...

  • Spreading hope, peace, joy and love starts with a simple greeting

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Dec 15, 2016

    An incident occurred the other day that got me thinking about this time of year. Walking into a grocery store last Saturday, I encountered a Salvation Army red kettle bell-ringer standing outside the entrance in the cold and snow, trying best to stay warm while doing his job. As I approached, he greeted us with a cheerful, if somewhat numb “Happy Holidays.” My response was immediate. I replied, “Happy Holidays,” and added “to you as well.” I’m not particular about holiday greetings, other than I appreciate it that someone is...

  • U.S. workforce dropouts a puzzling problem

    Updated Dec 15, 2016

    While unemployment numbers continue to drop, there is a statistic outside the official figures creating concern — people who have stopped looking for work. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the official unemployment rate is currently 4.6 percent. That’s the lowest since August 2007, just before the start of the Great Recession. Not included in this, however, is the estimated 7 million men ages 25 to 54 who have dropped out of the workforce. They don’t have a job, and aren’t looking for one. It’s a disturbin...

  • Generosity of others provides Thanksgiving meals for many

    Updated Dec 8, 2016

    Thank you, Tom’s Turkey Drive and Union Gospel Mission in Spokane for providing turkeys to Feed Medical Lake and Pizza Factory (Jason and family) in Medical Lake for providing four complete meals. All meals and turkeys found deserving homes. Joanna Williams, director Feed Medical Lake...

  • Thank you from the Slightly West of Spokane Artists Studio Tour

    Updated Dec 8, 2016

    To all those who attended our seventh annual Artists Studio Tour, a heartfelt “Thank you” is extended from the 21 artists who displayed their work this past Nov. 26. It was wonderful to see old friends, returning visitors and new attendees. Folks came from local towns and as far away as Rathdrum, Coeur d’Alene and other outlying areas. It brought us great joy to see you and to have your support for local artists. A shout-out also goes to the newspapers and other media who helped to get the word out about this year’s tour. W...

  • Middle class is likely to bear the costs of health care changes

    Updated Dec 8, 2016

    I am writing today in regards to the article “Cheney adopts one year union contract,” Dec. 1. I wonder, with the war on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), what are the far reaching implications, considering that our local eight-person union was affected just one month after this divisive election? Could instability of the ACA have a much larger impact than people realize? The Cadillac plans are basically a government subsidy that gives the option to employers to offer a “luxury” plan that covers more medical costs than other plan...

  • There is still time to sign grandparents visitation rights initiative

    Updated Dec 8, 2016

    Attention all alienated grandparents in Washington state: after working very hard for many months, it’s possible that the grandparents visitation rights statewide Legislative Initiative 877, Children Need Grandparents, may fall short of the required signatures by the Dec. 20 deadline. If you signed this initiative we thank you and ask you to get involved in this next step. Don’t get discouraged because the next step for the restoration of grandparents visitation rights law, was discussed and decided on at the Nov. 15 wor...

  • Kids in the hall - It's past time for a Cheney High auditorium

    Updated Dec 8, 2016

    I am responding to Mr. (Bill) Johns’ comments that Cheney High School does not “need” an auditorium. (Cheney Free Press, Nov. 24) I think Mr. Johns must not have any idea what the “needs” of drama, choir and band programs are. I volunteered to help last year with a CHS drama production and was able to see first-hand how difficult it is for our students to practice and perform. The kids painted sets in the hall — to hang in an auditorium they couldn’t rehearse in. They couldn’t fit the entire cast on the practice stage so bloc...

  • What you can do to make sure you receive your Christmas gifts

    JOHN HENSLEY, Contributor|Updated Dec 8, 2016

    If you have ever ordered clothing, jewelry, gifts or any other merchandise by phone, computer, or mail chances are those items were delivered straight to your home. Most deliveries do not require a signature and are generally left at your front door even if no one is home to accept them. These packages will quickly catch the eye of “porch pirates,” and offer thieves that opportunity they are looking for to make an easy score. Thieves, looking to steal your packages will follow or watch for UPS, Fed Ex, U.S. Mail and oth...

  • Giving to others also includes volunteering

    Updated Dec 8, 2016

    Tis the season of giving. We’re all familiar with the practice of gift giving over this holiday season. There is also the aspect of charitable giving. In fact, many charitable organizations and non-profits look to this time of year for help strengthening their financial and other coffers. For some, the holidays are the time of year that accounts for much of their budget for the next year. Those who are able to give often do so more generously during this holiday season. As an example, the fifth-annual Giving Tuesday saw a r...

  • American Legion dinner result of Cheney businesses support

    Updated Dec 1, 2016

    The Cheney Post 72 American Legion would like to express our gratitude to the following businesses for their generous support. Our recent Veterans Day dinner and Turkey Bingo were successful, in part, because of all of you. Thank you all! Thank you to Mitchell’s Harvest Foods, Eagles Pub, Jarms, Top of the Line, El Rodeo, Roccos , Napa, O’Reilly’s, Pizza Hut, Papa Murphy’s, Cheney Feed, Subway, The Market Place, Get the Scoop, Dragonfly Crafts, Quality Inn and the Spokane Chiefs. D.D. Powell Cheney Post 72...

  • Community makes ninth Turkey Trot a success

    Updated Dec 1, 2016

    On behalf of the Cheney High School Cross Country program, we would like to thank the community of Cheney for their support of our ninth annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. There were over 500 walkers, joggers or runners present for this community event which benefits not only the Cheney Food Bank, but also our cross country program at Cheney High School. We would like to especially thank our sponsors: Cheney Federal Credit Union, Domino’s, Owl Pharmacy, State Farm Insurance, ParaSport, Safeway, Snap Fitness, M...

  • The vote recount has interesting twists

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Dec 1, 2016

    The election that we thought was once and for all over appears to not be, after all. For the general public, they thought they may have washed off the last of the dirt Nov. 9 after Hillary Clinton delivered that very painful concession speech she never likely dreamed would have to be given. For the media types it’s either that forgotten Christmas gift that never made it out of the closet, or the smell that cannot be Lysoled away. Forgotten, it seems, were the words of her s...

  • Thank you ML Boy Scouts

    Updated Dec 1, 2016

    Thanks to the Boy Scouts with over 1,300 pounds of food they collected, the Combined Fund Drive with their donations of over 800 pounds and others who give to the food bank. We serve over 200 families from the Medical Lake area each month, and every can of food helps us meet that goal. Thank you all for your generosity. Joyce Callaway Medical Lake...

  • Dig a little deeper to dampen 'Fake News'

    Updated Dec 1, 2016

    If you paid any attention to Facebook during this election, you most likely saw at least one fake news article on your feed on any given day, whether you realized it or not. The problem with these articles is that people will share these falsehoods without doing any research on their own time. Some people blamed Facebook for the outcome of the election because of the epidemic of fake news, but in reality the people are the reason why those stories were being spread. Facebook was not created to share political news to your...

  • West Plains Police News

    Updated Dec 1, 2016

    CHENEY Nov. 21 Third-degree theft was reported on the 600 block of Fifth Street. A parking meter was bent and damaged with a portion taken, however the coin box remained. Second-degree theft was reported on the 200 block of South Cheney-Spangle Road. A credit card was taken. Suspicious circumstances were reported on the 2200 block of First Street. Strange behavior, possible mental health issue. Residential burglary was reported on the 300 block of Erie Street. A PC was taken. A marijuana plant was found on the zero hundred bl...

  • Qualifications, freedoms should be based on substance

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Rose Kline’s letters (8/4/16 and 11/17/16) disqualified Donald Trump on points involving words or actions. With much criticism of his words I agree. With much criticism of his motives and actions I find only opinion and emotion, not substance. Our Constitution allows personal choices and so do I. Consitutional disqualifications for the presidency (Article II, Section 1) number only three: age, country of birth, time of residency. Rose (8/4/16) spoke of a country based on love, fairness, trust, security and freedom. I p...

  • Candace Mumm deserved to win

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    What a surprise to learn that Candace Mumm lost the election for Spokane County Commissioner. She was the most qualified, experienced and articulate candidate. Her debate performances demonstrated real thoughtfulness and understanding of issues facing our county. Furthermore, she had a very dedicated team running her campaign, people who believed in her as a person who listens to the people. It is especially disheartening that all three Spokane County Commissioners are conservative, as has been the case for several years...

  • Look around - there's plenty of reasons to be thankful

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, unless you purchased the paper on Tuesday which in that case it’s two days away. There will be a number of print article and columns, along with broadcast stories about why we should be thankful, and what we should be thankful for this Thursday. There will also be a fair share about a number of other topics that sprout about this time such as commercialism of the holidays, stress associated with the season and leading into the “War on Christmas” — scheduled to begin this Friday, I believe. I’m not go...

  • Despite our turmoils, Americans are truly blessed

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Nov 23, 2016

    For some, Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends and give thanks for the blessings we enjoy. For others, it’s a time to volunteer at soup kitchens to help the less fortunate while many see it as simply a chance to eat a huge meal and watch football. This year is different. Americans are healing after a historic, tumultuous presidential election. Therefore, it is easy to get sidetracked on what is wrong with our country. In reality, most Americans have no i...

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