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  • Voters urged to be counted in on the levy

    Updated Feb 1, 2018

    Our CHS motto this year, “Count me in!” reflects how CHS students take pride in being invested in their academics and extracurricular — every minute, every day. I have been involved in several CHS programs, one of which is Career and Technical Education. Through CTE, I discovered my passion for technology. Extracurricular activities such as CyberPatriot, continued the development of my skills outside the classroom. CHS is also one of few schools in the PNW that offers Cisco NetAcad, a specialized computer networking curri...

  • Cheney HS offers chances to be involved

    Updated Feb 1, 2018

    Throughout my four years at Cheney High School, I’ve been involved in several extracurricular sports including soccer, basketball, tennis and swimming. Some of my best memories from high school have been with my teammates at athletic events, particularly district and state swimming and all the bus rides in between. In addition to participating in Cheney activities, I’m also a part of the CHS Jazz 1 and Wind Ensemble. In both these top level ensembles, I have gotten to play at festivals and compete in competitions from the...

  • Vote no for the Cheney School District levy

    Updated Feb 1, 2018

    Hello Cheney School District. Didn’t we just vote for huge increases for the school district for multiple issues? Did we just not build two or three new buildings? Why are you coming back in less than a year to have us vote? Shouldn’t the school district wait until we see what they do this legislative session? With the McCleary ruling, the state has a primary mission to fund basic education. Should we be funding education further than basic education? Shouldn’t those extra programs be funded in some other means? How about...

  • Schools can only provide levy information

    Updated Feb 1, 2018

    When a school district submits a levy proposition to its voters, the role of the district is to provide an objective and fair presentation of facts to the community. Generally, this information is shared through an informational mailer that describes the levy and its impact on the school district and its taxpayers. Individual voters then decide whether to approve or reject the proposition. Under state law, a public entity, such as a school district, may not promote or oppose any ballot proposition. In last week’s edition o...

  • Cheney provides life-learning experiences

    Updated Feb 1, 2018

    Cheney High School has presented me with many opportunities to succeed and learn through clubs and activities outside of the classroom such as swim team (which is a privilege to have, not many schools are able to compete in swimming), language clubs to have a deeper understanding of different cultures and service clubs which teach students to love volunteering. Perhaps the most impactful has been my experience through Future Business Leaders of America. Over the last four years, FBLA has given me the opportunity to engage in...

  • The levy is important for outside learning

    Updated Feb 1, 2018

    On Tuesday, Feb. 13, a vote for a replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy will be held. This levy, if passed, will help every single student in the Cheney School District. Since I participate in some activities funded by the levy, I would like to share why it is so important that it passes. Some of the programs and activities funded by this levy are extracurricular activities such as sports and clubs. I am a heavy participant in these. From cross country to track, from Future Business Leaders of America to school...

  • Watching live theater is now becoming my new favorite thing to do

    Grace Pohl, Staff Intern|Updated Feb 1, 2018

    Over the weekend, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the show “Motown” at the INB Performing Arts Center which is a part of the “Best of Broadway” series. Little fun fact for those students out there, if you show up two hours before the show time with your student ID, you get a major discount on tickets. I was able to score great seats for literally a third of the price. Going into the show, I didn’t really know much about it, other than I knew it would have some great music. I was right about the musical appeal, but...

  • Vote yes on Feb. 13 ML for school district levy

    Updated Jan 25, 2018

    On Feb. 13, Medical Lake schools face an important election. By voting yes for the levy proposals on the ballot you will guarantee our schools stay strong. There are two proposals on the ballot this year. The first is a three-year Educational Programs and Operations levy that will maintain many important programs and staffing for our classrooms. It is a replacement levy. The Medical Lake School District Educational Programs and Operations Levy supports many educational programs and activities such as band, choir, after...

  • ML propositions worth the 'yes' votes

    Updated Jan 25, 2018

    My wife and I would like to encourage the voters, of Medical Lake School District 326, to vote “yes” on the upcoming ballot Feb. 13. The two propositions are vital for continuing a high standard of education for our community’s children. We haven’t had children in school for over 15 years but feel that it is paramount that the district have the funds to make our children successful and are in full support of the district. Please vote “yes” on Propositions 1 (replacement educational programs and operations levy) and 2 (capi...

  • Cheney's levy is needed to support programs that the state won't help with

    Updated Jan 25, 2018

    It’s time for the Cheney School District to ask the community to vote for a replacement educational programs and operation levy. Although it is the duty of the state to provide for “Basic Education,” the reality is that many of the programs we consider important for our children are not covered by the state. They fund most of our teachers and educational staff, but they don’t pay for all of the needed staff for smaller class sizes and school support. They don’t fund sports or extra-curricular activities, and they don’t pay...

  • Lawmakers must follow the law, which means the U.S. Constitution

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated Jan 25, 2018

    The Washington State Legislature is back in session debating ways to balance the budget while fully funding schools and trying to end run the Constitution on gun control. Encouraged by our state attorney general and governor, we have joined 15 other states considering state laws to limit the size of magazines, outlaw bump stocks and ban assault rifles. I have no real problem with any of these restrictions. I don’t even care much for pistols. I used to have one and discovered it was only useful if I wanted to shoot my n...

  • Suicide touches people in more ways than you might think

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Jan 25, 2018

    It’s unfortunate, to say the least, but suicide seems to be in the news lately, especially in our area. The death last week of Washington State University quarterback Tyler Hilinski has garnered much regional and national attention. What draws me to write this column is something a bit closer to home — a suicide that took place Monday evening in Cheney. We don’t know who the individual was, at least as of this writing. It’s possible we may never know, despite statements by law enforcement that the victim’s name will be releas...

  • New AD hire should mean different approach at EWU

    Updated Jan 25, 2018

    With news that the occupant of the athletics director’s chair at Eastern Washington University will be changing in the near future, now is the perfect time to reexamine what the time ahead looks like for the institution. As Bill Chaves, the AD for the past 10-plus years, departs to the University of North Dakota for greener pastures— literally with a nice raise, a much bigger department budget and figuratively overseeing teams wearing the color — Eastern knows the challenges that lie ahead. The biggest of those is figur...

  • Breakfast before the Bell has consequences

    Updated Jan 18, 2018

    A bill that would require certain public schools to provide breakfast to children who arrive after classes have begun and traditional breakfast is no longer being served is making its way through the Washington Legislature. House Bill 1508, known as “Breakfast after the Bell,” passed the House 83-15 and now heads to the Senate for consideration. The bill, if enacted into law, would supplement a federal nutrition program by setting up a collaboration between the Department of Agriculture and the state’s Office of the Super...

  • Levy is a good deal for Cheney students and taxpayers

    Updated Jan 18, 2018

    I am writing this letter in support of the Cheney Public Schools Replacement Levy on Feb. 13. Almost 33 years ago, we moved our young family to Cheney because we wanted to be in the Spokane area to raise our two sons. I was a teacher in Issaquah at the time and I did NOT need a job, but we preferred to have our children grow-up in this area. I only applied in two districts because I had a great job. My wife and I chose Cheney School District because of the great reputation towards the quality of education in this district....

  • Tax cut is fair because it rewards those who pay the most

    Updated Jan 18, 2018

    There seems to be no end to those upset with the new tax laws that will take effect shortly. The common thread of complaint is it favors the haves over the have nots and therefore is not “fair.” Whatever “fair” is. According to Pew Research, in 2015 over 80 pecent of the federal income tax was paid by less than 17 percent of the top earners in the population. In 2016, the Tax Policy Center reports 43.9 percent didn’t pay any income tax. Those that pay the most taxes are getting most of the reduction in their taxes, which seem...

  • Oprah For President? She could almost have a legitimate chance

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated Jan 18, 2018

    It seems we should have learned something from Donald Trump’s short tenure as President. We should realize that our current system of campaign finance doesn’t produce the most qualified candidates. We have discovered that popularity and ability can be two disconnected characteristics. Additionally. It should now be obvious that the President of the United States shouldn’t be an entry level position. There are thousands — if not millions — of people in these United States who are more qualified to govern than the current o...

  • Sixth-graders ask for Medical Lake levy yes vote

    Updated Jan 18, 2018

    We are sixth-grade students attending Medical Lake Middle School. We are going to tell you why you should vote “Yes” (on the) Medical Lake school district levy. What does this levy do? It supports many school activities. One of the activities that we are currently active in is the middle school drama club. Activities we have been involved in, in the past include drama, geography bee, basketball, volleyball, cross-country, stem, band and choir. Other activities include football, softball, track and field, robotics, “Ma...

  • China's newly launched sword policy cutting deep into recycling

    Updated Jan 18, 2018

    By DON C. BRUNELL Contributor Earlier this month, China launched its “national sword” policy which bans many recyclable materials it traditionally imported. Meanwhile, its upcoming March edict imposing a lower limit on contaminants is having global reverberations. Since the 1990s, the world has shipped the bulk of its used paper, plastics and metals to China. In 2016, its imported value was $18 billion. Nearly one-third of North America’s recyclables were processed in China — much of it from West Coast states. China was hun...

  • Tax cut is for the rich only

    Updated Jan 11, 2018

    In her Email to constituents, Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers exclaimed “This is huge!” And indeed it is HUGE! The recently-passed tax bill is a HUGE boondoggle for the rich! The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates that, under the law, the middle fifth of American households will see an average increase in after-tax income next year of $930 while the top 1 percent gets an average increase of $51,140! This is paid for by an approximately 1.5 trillion dollar increase in national debt over 10 years (nonpartisan Con...

  • Maybe we should be judging ourselves

    Updated Jan 11, 2018

    The city of San Francisco recently erected a statue honoring those who were “Comfort Women” of the Japanese army of occupation in China and Korea during World War II. The effort was spearheaded by two American judges of Asian ancestry. They cite sources that estimate over 200,000 women in the occupied region were forced to serve as sex slaves for the Japanese soldiers. The Japanese government disputes these allegations as, “One sided interpretations.” They claim local entrepreneurs recruited these women to work as prostit...

  • Good manners still count in business today

    Updated Jan 11, 2018

    Our parents drilled into our heads that saying “please” and “thank you” were not only part of everyday life, but were essential to operating a successful business. They are the basic ingredients of “Good Manners.” For more than 30 years, our family owned and operated the garbage collection business for Walkerville, a small incorporated Montana city north of Butte. It was part-time operation, which required about 8 hours a week. In the early 1950s, our family posted a $100 bond and took it over. Previous owners thought it...

  • 'Darkest Hour,' brings odd sunshine to a dreary day

    Updated Jan 11, 2018

    On a soggy Seattle-like Sunday with no Seahawks to watch in the NFL playoffs, and Cooper Kupp’s Los Angeles Rams sidelined the night before, the vote was to stay indoors. Inside a theater that is, to see what all the buzz was about over the film, “Darkest Hour.” You may or may not have heard the word about the cinematic effort to tell the story of about a month in time, now close to 80 years ago, that arguably may very well have been one of the most important turning points in world history. Its central character is Winst...

  • To end racism, we need to get to know one another

    Updated Jan 11, 2018

    As we approach the Martin Luther King holiday — with some people actually getting Monday, Jan. 15, off — it’s appropriate to take a look at how Americans perceive the current state of race relations. That perception is not good, with statistics varying depending upon which organization is doing the research. A Pew Research Center survey conducted Nov. 29 – Dec. 4, 2017 among 1,503 adults found that 60 percent of Americans believe race relations have grown worse. A similar poll in November 2016 showed 46 percent felt this wa...

  • The year 2017 was overall a good one for me

    Grace Pohl, Staff Intern|Updated Jan 4, 2018

    Even though some people might think 2017 was not a great year, I did not think it was that bad. But I do have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming 2018 as well. In 2017, I was fortunate enough to continue school, have jobs that I love and enjoy time with my family. I was also able to check a few things off my bucket list. The biggest thing I was able to cross off was attending the Country Music Association (CMA) Festival in Nashville, Tenn. Every year my mom and I watch the event on television wishing we could be there. W...

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