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  • Lisa Brown will represent us in Congress, not the specail interest groups special interests

    Updated Mar 15, 2018

    I am hungry for the good old days when our representatives represented us not special interests; for a time when civility was the order of the day and people in government had a purpose to serve honorably, not to line their pockets at our expense. I am an American first and I want good government, financed through clean elections not dark money. I want transparency and accountability, not backroom deals and representatives who are owned lock stock and barrel by their highest donor. I have known Lisa Brown for over 25 years...

  • Two out of three oppose more U.S. military spending and we still spend

    LAWRENCE WITTNER, Contributor|Updated Mar 15, 2018

    Early this February, the Republican-controlled Congress passed and President Donald Trump signed new federal budget legislation that increased U.S. military spending by $165 billion over the next two years. Remarkably, though, a Gallup public opinion pool conducted only days before found that only 33 percent of Americans favored increasing U.S. military spending, while 65 percent opposed it, either backing reductions (34 percent) or maintenance of the status quo (31 percent). What is even more remarkable for a nation where...

  • Gun control skirts around the real issue of how to deal with dysfunctional people

    Updated Mar 15, 2018

    To make progress in preventing guns from killing people we need to develop a plan to determine how people become dysfunctional. We spend millions on forensic science to determine when and who kills someone. We spend next to nothing on applied behavioral science. Over 60 years ago, a research team (Gluecks study) focused on children with behavioral problems from early grades through high school. As these individuals advanced through school they noted that their problems became more pronounced: bullying, noncompliance,...

  • Oscar in Argentina says cronyism is the problem in their country

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated Mar 15, 2018

    During our recent trip through the wine country of Argentina, I became friends with our guide, Oscar. Oscar is an interesting guy. His first real job was as a newspaper columnist for a large daily in Mendoza. In 1983 he wrote a piece criticizing Argentina’s conduct of the Falkland War. He was promptly arrested, jailed and exiled to Europe. After 20 years, he was allowed to return home and now guides tourists in English, French, Italian or Spanish. When I told Oscar that I thought socialism was responsible for Argentina’s eco...

  • A kind word might be the first thing said when encountering a disturbed person

    Updated Mar 8, 2018

    We often hear, “If you see something, say something.” I agree, but who should I say something to and what should I say? If I see a disturbed person, I think that my first impulse should be to speak to that person to let them know I see them as a valuable soul. Of course that could be dangerous for me, but how wonderful it would be to awaken that truth in someone who has forgotten it or never knew it. Jeremy Street Cheney...

  • Argentina's socialism experiment yields uncertain economy

    Updated Mar 8, 2018

    By FRANK WATSON Contributor My wife and I just got home from a winter vacation in Argentina. It was a great trip. I learned more about the southern hemisphere than I thought I ever would. We went fishing for a week in the largest swamp in the world and toured four of Argentina’s largest cities. Oscar was our guide through the wine country of Mendoza. We were together long enough to discover that we had much in common and became friends. Oscar was well versed in the geography, politics and history of his country. He related th...

  • When America's leaders fly, America's leaders are flying Boeing

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Mar 8, 2018

    It now looks like Boeing will add at least two more aircraft to the U.S. Air Force fleet which flies our country’s leaders around the world. They are the most recognizable — the 747s traditionally called “Air Force One.” The recent news that President Trump’s administration now approves replacing the current presidential jets with larger and more modern 747s cements the deal. It means the new Air Force One, a 747-8, could be flying presidents within five years. That’s go...

  • Charitable donations help others, and possibly you

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Mar 8, 2018

    One of the sights making a huge impression on me during my 11 years living in Seattle wasn’t the snail’s pace of traffic, the high-price of housing — even back then in the 1990s — or Mount Rainier rising majestically in the south. What made an impact on me was the sight of the long line of people standing outside the Union Gospel Mission on Fourth Avenue waiting for it to open. Such was my view out my bus window five days a week on the way to my job at Platt Electric Supply’s Seattle branch near Sixth and Lander streets. It i...

  • New congressional leadership required to fix immigration

    Updated Mar 1, 2018

    I don’t want to insult anybody’s intelligence, but still feel compelled to state the obvious: If U.S. Congressional members are forced to resign by sexual harassment charges, what about our president? Congressional Democrats have generally been willing to force resignations, including those of their own offending party members. But considerably more pressure is required by congressional Republicans to effect the president’s resignation. Unfortunately, as pointed out in a prominent Eastern Washington newspaper’s 12/7/17...

  • It takes effort and energy to be diligent in what you do in life

    AARON BEST, Contributor|Updated Mar 1, 2018

    To be consistent at anything in life, the characteristic of diligence must be present. To care and act as such, one must have diligence at a foundational level. This characteristic has multiple ways to describe its definition. The partial definition of the word as an “energetic effort” certainly stood out because of its close association with the word “care.” To show or use diligence at a high level, you must care about whatever it is you are attempting to do or accomplish. Diligence is not something you can obtain overnig...

  • Cheney levy should have been evaulated with heads, not hearts

    Updated Mar 1, 2018

    Cheney taxpayers, congratulations you just raised your taxes by $375 per year, the highest amount in Spokane County. That’s what happens when you don’t watch what’s happening in Olympia. Distant state legislature adds more property tax to fix basic education. School district didn’t say much about this in their propaganda brochure they sent out about the levy vote? Your increase taxes are a direct result of voting by your feelings and not holding your school district fiscally accountable. All you good intenders, can you get...

  • Way too many questions, but far too few answers

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Mar 1, 2018

    Questions, questions, questions and yet still no answers. What is it about the most recent school shooting — at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. over two weeks ago on Valentine’s Day — that has sent the usual week-long news cycle working well into overtime, if not maybe even double or triple-overtime? By my count this was No. 145 since Jan. 1, 2010. That number, by-the-way, did not come from the anti-gun group who practices what even the Washington Post...

  • You should eat your way to good health, especially with some meat

    FRANK WATSON|Updated Mar 1, 2018

    By FRANK WATSON Contributor I read an article in a medical journal the other day that said people who eat faux-burgers made from peas or beans eat 12 percent fewer calories at their next meal. I was astonished. Have you ever eaten that stuff? A couple veggie burgers can ruin your appetite for days. I studied at a Seventh Day Adventist School in Spain one semester. The Adventists are vegetarians and had a plant on campus that made imitation beef patties, weenies and chicken nuggets. I could never figure out why they had to...

  • It is past time for Congress to take action in gun deaths in the U.S.

    Updated Feb 22, 2018

    Gun violence is one of the leading causes of death in our country and these deaths are preventable. We get angry and demand those in Congress do something. Truth is, many members of Congress have presented bills, but they go absolutely nowhere in the Republican controlled Congress. Here are a few bills that Republicans refuse to address: a bill to strengthen background checks on gun purchases, a bill to ban assault weapons, a bill to prohibit the sale of bump-stock devices, a bi-partisan bill that would prevent anyone...

  • Community made Festival of Chocolate a success

    Updated Feb 22, 2018

    Emmanuel Lutheran Church would like to thank the community for helping us with our ninth annual Festival of Chocolate. The turnout was wonderful, and all had a great time. Thanks also go to the Cheney Free Press for the nice piece in the newspaper. We want to thank the Thrivent Action Team for the “seed money” that purchased the needed food and beverages for the kitchen. Marcia Mecklenburg headed up the “Get Fit Bag” and the congregation helped fill it with great items. The “Get Fit Bag” was won by Christie McKee of Lutheran...

  • We need to save humanity in order to save this planet of ours

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated Feb 22, 2018

    I drove over to Wenatchee last week for a meeting. As is normal for me when I travel alone, I enjoyed the countryside and day-dreamed most of the way. As I drove pass the irrigation canals, forests of electric transmission lines and crossed the bridge at Vantage, it dawned on me that we have transformed this planet into a habitat for humans. Not long ago, Central Washington was an expanse of arid sage brush. Now it is crisscrossed with paved roads, and the sage brush scrubland has been replaced with lush cropland. As a boy I...

  • Military leaders can help transform education in our country

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Feb 22, 2018

    Do good military commanders make good education leaders? That is a question which Montana’s Higher Education Commission will answer in the coming years. However, if the new University of Montana president follows the pattern set by former Seattle Public School Superintendent John Stanford and Clark College President Bob Knight, the answer will be a resounding yes. Seth Bodnar, 38, is the youngest UM president since World War II. He started in January. He doesn’t have the cov...

  • Try to support those little bands in the music world

    Grace Pohl, Staff Intern|Updated Feb 22, 2018

    I am all about discovering some new and good country music. And at the end of 2016, I found my favorite country band to date when I attended an Old Dominion concert at the Knitting Factory in downtown Spokane. I had heard a few of their songs on the radio before, but hadn’t thought much of it. They were good songs, but not my favorite at the time. I had seen them previously when they were the opening act for Kenny Chesney at Centurylink Stadium, but they sang only a few songs and I didn’t really get to enjoy their full pot...

  • Poor posture Trump's nuclear doctrine resumes Cold War

    ROBERT F DODGE MD, Contributor|Updated Feb 15, 2018

    While elected officials of our increasingly dysfunctional democracy debated “memogate,” the world became more dangerous as President Donald Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review was officially released on Friday, Feb. 2. Ignoring scientific studies of the past decade and growing global sentiment by the world’s non-nuclear states to abolish nuclear weapons, with this announcement the new arms race begins and the Cold War resumes. Scientific studies have demonstrated the potential catastrophic global environmental effects followi...

  • The homeless problem has several solutions

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated Feb 15, 2018

    I see my eye specialist five or six times a year. My normal route to his office takes me past the homeless gathering under the I-90 bridge across from Lewis and Clark High School. They don’t seem to be hurting anybody, and there is no law against hanging out under the bridge, but I can understand school administrators’ concern for the safety of the students. Spokane’s homeless population is far less than I have seen in Portland and Seattle, but the time and resources spent to find a solution is significant. Efforts have...

  • Our cities are balancing their budgets with fees to the citizens

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Feb 15, 2018

    Have you carefully checked your utility bills lately? Most people don’t unless they are monsters like the ones for garbage in Scranton, Pennsylvania and Los Angeles. In Vancouver, Washington our garbage and recycling bill now has an added 3.6 percent refuse tax. It costs us $1.29 more every two months. However, according to the Wall Street Journal, in Scranton, residents started receiving a $300 annual trash collection fee which is a 68 percent increase since 2014. In Los A...

  • Unified Olympic Korea offers hope, if somewhat tainted by reality

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Feb 15, 2018

    Like many people watching the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics opening ceremony Friday night, I felt some pride and a sense of hopefulness during the entry of the unified Korean team. South and North Korean athletes marching together, under the same flag and joining to light the Olympic cauldron was inspiring given their history — one beginning with bloodshed and since filled with animosity and mistrust. In light of recent events, not only between the two Koreas but also North Korea and the U.S., it served as an illustration of t...

  • Cheney levy helps support Cheney School District's extracurricular activities for kids

    Updated Feb 8, 2018

    I am writing this letter as a supporter of the Cheney Public School’s Replacement Education Programs and Operation levy on Feb. 13. I started working as a paraeducator about nine years ago after moving to Spokane and am now the registrar and attendance secretary at Westwood Middle School. Each day I interact with children who benefit from community passage of the previous levy. A new three-year levy is on the ballot this year, and with this levy, taxpayers will see their property tax decrease from 2017’s $2.90 per $1,000 to...

  • The Seattle drug clinics are setting up to offer safe injection sites

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated Feb 8, 2018

    I voted for Initiative 502 in 2012, not because I wanted to legalize marijuana, but because what we were doing wasn’t working. I thought it inconceivable that the U.S. government would allow any state to openly ignore federal law. At best, I was hoping for a wake up call and Congress would recruit some very smart people to find a solution that worked. I thought the worst case would be for the state to be forced to cease and desist such that we would revert to the status quo. I was wrong — the worst case was that the sta...

  • It can be scary who gets fooled these days

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Feb 8, 2018

    Did you know by paying $46,000 a year and change to attend New York University — sans books, room and board of course which bumps the bite to over $63K — it apparently gives some at least the partial ability to see the future? There are no guarantees you’ll get to know stock prices early, or see the Powerball numbers in advance, and earning that NYU degree will not guarantee a job that will easily help you pay off the loans it took to earn that knowledge. What brings about...

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