Articles from the May 29, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 40

  • Medical Lake School District unveils STEM lab

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated May 30, 2014

    Medical Lake School District looks to share their resources with other schools as they opened their new Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics lab at the high schoolschool at an open house, May 22. The development of the lab was paid for with a $100,000 grant the district received from the Cornelius E. Hagan Foundation. The lab allows students from Medical Lake and other schools in the West Plains to explore engineering and features industry standard equipment that...

  • Cheney to revisit solar energy program

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated May 29, 2014

    Cheney may once again consider getting into the solar energy game. In citizen comments at the City Council’s May 27 meeting, Fish Lake-area resident Jerry Krause asked the city to reconsider its decision several years ago to not take part in a state program that would have allowed residents to access monetary incentives for using or producing electricity from solar energy. Krause, a 45-year resident who doesn’t live in the city but is on the city’s electrical grid said he has been involved in alternative energy since 1975...

  • Engagement annoucement: Shelley/Smithpeter

    Updated May 29, 2014

    Doran and Jody Shelley of Brigham City, Utah are pleased to announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Cortney, to Mitchell Smithpeter, son of Ira and Dianna Smithpeter of Edwall. The couple will marry on June 6, 2014 in the Brigham City, Utah Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The bride is a graduate of Box Elder High School and is pursuing a degree in Behavioral Science; the groom is a graduate of Cheney High School and...

  • Engineering different ways to make biofuel

    Dr. E. KIRSTEN PETERS, Contributor|Updated May 29, 2014

    When you fill your tank, you likely see a little sticker on the pump saying part of the fuel is ethanol. Ethanol is a biofuel, which means it comes from plants like corn, rather than from fossil fuel — ancient carbon that’s been buried within the Earth for millions of years. Producing more biofuels is on the agendas of governments and private industry alike. Biofuels can potentially help nations become more energy independent. If a country can grow plants and produce biofuels from them, that nation could potentially import le...

  • Turnbull Refuge festival provides something for everyone

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated May 29, 2014

    If there is a highlight to spring, it might be this weekend’s “Floods, Flowers and Feathers Spring Nature Festival” this Saturday at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge. The third annual festival, which had over 400 visitors last year on a day refuge visitor services manager Sandy Rancourt said was so cold she “could actually see my breath” runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. with free entrance to the refuge and free events for everyone of all ages. Rancourt said the festival has doubled in size this year, with 35 organizations partneri...

  • Bruce Holloway went from farming to firefighting

    Luella Dow, Contributor|Updated May 29, 2014

    Bruce Holloway has been for Spokane County District 3 Fire Chief for 22 years. He did not dream of being a fireman as a small boy. He wanted to be a farmer. As he grew up he worked on other people's ranches and then on his own. Holloway said, "I loved it. It gave me a good background." In a little town in California, Holloway joined a fire department to help the community. He said, "About a year later the fire chief got in trouble and I was appointed fire chief. I was still farming. I had my own farm, raising beef cattle. I g...

  • West Plains Police News

    Updated May 29, 2014

    CHENEY May 19 Third-degree theft was reported on the 1200 block of Second Street. A wallet and its contents were taken. Harassment was reported on the 2400 block of First Street. A 14-year-old female was arrested on the 1100 block of First Street for third-degree theft/shoplifting. Energy drinks and junk food were taken. A bicycle was found on the 200 block of K Street. Officers responded to a medical injury/sudden death on the 300 block of J Street. Third-degree theft was reported on the 800 block of West First Street. A...

  • Be mindful of the amount of water you use in a day

    Updated May 29, 2014

    As summer draws near, it is important that our community members be mindful of the amount of water we are using. The issue of wasteful water practices is derived from the lack of awareness that some individuals have when it comes to just how much water they are wasting. On average, a person will unknowingly waste up to 30 gallons of water each day. To eliminate wasteful water practices, we need to increase water efficiency. We can do so by making small changes to our daily routine. For instance, by turning off the faucet...

  • Will Washington keep access to the Internet tax-free?

    Updated May 29, 2014

    Only in Washington D.C. can near unanimous agreement on a policy mean there is danger it may not occur. Consider the pending expiration of the ban on Internet access taxes and whether or not Congress will act in time. As reported by the Wall Street Journal: “The idea of taxing email is no more popular today than when President Bill Clinton signed the Internet Tax Freedom Act into law. But a dedicated congressional minority now wants to allow states and localities to tax email — unless these governments are given new powers to...

  • County Commissioners squander tax payer's money

    Updated May 29, 2014

    I would like to write about how the County Commissioners have been squandering our taxpayer’s money. Let’s take a look at what they have been up to over the last few years. 1. $245 million dollars for a new jail, if it passes. 2. $7.5 million dollars on Spokane Raceway Park, that hasn’t made a dime since they bought it, and could cost hundreds of thousands more in environmental cleanup. 3. $2.5 million dollars to buy the old Solar World apartment complex in Airway Heights to save Fairchild. 4. $18 million dollars on failed Pr...

  • Cheney should have accommodations for disabled

    Updated May 29, 2014

    Community members have sometimes complained about their brand new clothes being ruined due to the huge puddle of mush that comes around every winter and spring due to rain and snow. The bottoms of pants get soaked along with a strange white line which remains on the back of pants until it is thoroughly cleaned. However, that is a minimal concern in comparison to the experiences that come with mobility problems for the disabled. Why do people portray helping people in wheelchairs as a bad thing? Of course, the issue at hand...

  • How long is too long when it comes to a career?

    Updated May 29, 2014

    Please rest assured that, no, the summer did not suddenly vanish in the blink of an eye. And no, we’re not in a Labor Day theme about the length of one’s work life. The topic of longevity on the job recently surfaced when the Cheney School District singled out employees and honored them for their varying degrees of service at a year-end ceremony. Some had been on the job for 40 years. So it prompted the Cheney Free Press editorial board to ask the question: How long is too long when it comes to time spent on the job, or wit...

  • West Plains Briefs

    Updated May 29, 2014

    Christian Heritage prescreening Christian Heritage School in Edwall is currently scheduling for kindergarten pre-screening testing. Parents interested in having their child tested, can call the school office at (509) 236-2224. At CHS, your child will benefit from a low student to teacher ratio, as well as a faith-based advanced curriculum. Success awaits your child at CHS. Wrestling team carwash Cheney High School wrestlers are holding a carwash fundraiser Saturday, May 31, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Yoke’s in Airway Heights.... Full story

  • Cheney FCU scholarship recipients

    Updated May 29, 2014

    Cheney Federal Credit Union has named Cheney High School graduating seniors Logan Best and Christian “Kit” Foster as recipients of this year’s Smart Start Scholarship recipients. Best plans to attend Washington State University and Foster will be attending the College of Idaho. In a news release, Cheney FCU offered its congratulations and wished them well on their future endeavors....

  • School board briefed on upcoming Cheney technology needs

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated May 29, 2014

    When it comes to technology, the Cheney School District is in pretty good shape overall, a couple pressing needs not withstanding. One of those is the high school, which Information Services Department Director Cliff Smelser told the board at its May 14 meeting is “a sore spot” in the district. While the main infrastructure is OK, parts of the high school are lacking sufficient cabling upgrade to meet today’s technology needs for speed and data transfer capabilities. The district will also begin looking at implementing a fiv...

  • ML band students compete in state

    Updated May 29, 2014

    Five Medical Lake High School band students enjoyed some success at the Washington Solo/Ensemble Contest in Ellensburg. Medical Lake’s Clarinet Quartet — consisting of Ivie Fleur Rabon, Emma Ransom, Alexis Rolan and Stephanie Burris — received an “excellent” rating in the small windwood ensemble division. Burris also took third in the clarinet division. Nick Isherwood received an “excellent” in the guitar division. To qualify for state these students won the Solo/Ensemble competiton back in Feburary....

  • Saving lives a pint at a time

    Updated May 29, 2014

    Medical Lake High School senior Daniel Stanford lays still as donor services trainer Jodeana Johnson prepares to draw blood from him. Stanford was one of many Medical Lake students who gave blood at the May 23 blood drive....

  • 'Operation Not Forgotten' hopes to make us remember

    Paul Delaney, Staff Reporter|Updated May 29, 2014

    There are many ways in which we honor the sacrifices made by our veterans over Memorial Day weekend. They generally include special observances at area cemeteries and gatherings at community parks, among others, and are usually staged by veteran’s groups. Students at Eastern Washington University’s Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity engaged in the effort for the first of what they hope will be a regular and ongoing tribute with “Operation Not Forgotten.” “In honor of Memorial...

  • 'Leading Ladies' proves a challenge on CHS small stage

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated May 29, 2014

    The storyline for the Cheney High School Drama Club's production of "Leading Ladies" is pretty simple: Two hard-luck Shakespearean actors try to claim a portion of an older ailing woman's fortune by posing as two long-lost nephews - only to learn the nephews are actually nieces. If that sounds a bit confusing and complicated, it might not be nearly so much as the club's first drama produced away from the large stage in the Fisher Building auditorium and on the much smaller sta...

  • Outage traced to lucky driver

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated May 29, 2014

    Somewhere out there is a Systems Transport driver who is lucky to be alive. At least Cheney Light Department Director Joe Noland thinks so. Late last Friday afternoon, Cheney and other nearby areas of the West Plains went dark due to a power outage caused when a Systems Transport boom truck’s boom made contact with a 115,000-volt main feeder cable from which Cheney receives 99 percent of its power. The truck, ironically loaded with wooden power poles, was under the transmission line when the operator decided to raise the b...

  • Copper Landing apartment complex open

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated May 29, 2014

    The Copper Landing apartment complex being built on land west of Hayford Road and south of Northern Quest Resort and Casino is opening this month and tenants are already in the process of moving in. The complex is on nearly 300 acres of land owned by the Kalispel Tribe. Construction began earlier this year. Copper Landing LLC will lease the land from the tribe. The apartment complex on tribal-owned land is the first ever lease made on the Kalispel’s land holdings. Inland Group PS, out of Spokane Valley, developed the c...

  • ML's Brooks Road to receive overlay this summer

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated May 29, 2014

    The city of Medical Lake is getting ready to roll out some road improvement projects for this year and in 2015. One project that is on the horizon is the asphalt overlay from Brooks Road to Lefevre Street. The city approved a consultant agreement for Brooks Road with E and H Engineering Inc. at the May 20 City Council meeting. City Administrator Doug Ross said the overlay would happen in August as the city usually waits until school is out to complete projects on busy roads. He added the overlay project would not take long....

  • EWU Surplus changes process

    Paul Delaney, Staff Reporter|Updated May 29, 2014

    The mission of the Eastern Washington University Surplus Sale is changing. After being a place where the university disposed of items they no longer needed or used, the process to acquire these items will move to regular weekly sales. The periodic auctions will be no more. "The original EWU surplus sales were taking place every six weeks," manager Katie Emery said. "But the volume of bidders had dropped significantly in recent time." With people just more apt to buy, and not...

  • Cheney-Spokane/U.S. 195 interchange officially opens

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated May 29, 2014

    It may only be three-fourths complete, but the new interchange at Cheney-Spokane Road and U.S. 195 became officially open at ceremonies last Friday morning. The former at-grade interchange was one of the most dangerous in the region, the site of 27 collisions between 2005 and 2008, resulting in 13 injuries that included the fatal collision that took the life of 16-year-old Cheney High School student Lorissa Green in January 2009. Debbie Hammel, Green's mother and major role...

  • Road woes

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated May 29, 2014

    Several Medical Lake citizens have become concerned with the increasing amounts of traffic on Brooks Road. Tammy Roberson is one of many Medical Lake residents who live along West Brooks Road. She approached the City Council at the May 20 meeting with a petition that details their concerns of the heavy traffic — specifically large commercial vehicles — that pass through the city limits. According to City Administrator Doug Ross, Brooks Road is an arterial that connects to Highway 2 and is supposed to have a high volume of...

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