Articles from the October 20, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 46

  • Mark Bergam joins Airway Heights as city engineer

    Updated Oct 20, 2016

    By AL STOVER Staff Reporter There is a new face in Airway Heights' Public Works Department - Mark Bergam, who was recently hired as the city engineer. Bergam, who was born on the west side of the state, moved to the Spokane area when he was a teenager. After graduating from Central Valley High School, Bergam earned his bachelor's degree and master of business administration in civil engineering at Gonzaga University. Bergam later acquired his master's degree in aerospace engin...

  • Two charged in murder attempt

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Cheney police are still on the trail of a third suspect wanted in the attempted murder of a Eastern Washington University student that took place in the early morning hours of Oct. 8 at The Grove apartment complex on Cheney-Spangle Road. Cheney Police Chief John Hensley said according to the investigator's report, the department received multiple 9-1-1 calls at approximately 1:06 a.m. of a violent altercation taking place at the complex on the city's eastern limits. Officers...

  • Churches

    Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Emanuel Lutheran holiday bazaar and lunch on Nov. 5 Cheney’s Emmanuel Lutheran Church is holding their annual Holiday Bazaar and Luncheon Saturday, Nov. 5, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. There will be crafts and a White Elephant sale, in addition to a large selection of baked goods. Enter the raffle drawing to win a “Holiday Baking Basket,” or a holiday quilt. Lunch is served from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., after which all White Elephant items go on sale for half price. The raffle drawing takes place at 2:30 p.m. This is a Thrivent Team Acti...

  • What's Happening On The West Plains

    Updated Oct 20, 2016

    All events are free unless posted otherwise. To get your event or meeting in the weekly What’s Happening section send an email with date, time, location and event to [email protected]. Cheney • Oct. 21, Light Fitness Hour (adults 50+), Wren Pierson Community Center, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. • Oct. 21, Tlaloc: A Photographic Exhibit, EWU Downtown Gallery 404 Second Ave., 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. • Oct. 14, Baby Play & Learn Storytime (ages 0 – 18 months), community library, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. • Oct. 21, Texas Hold’em (adults 5...

  • Nazarene Church invites residents to stop by and pick a pumpkin for Cheney Outreach

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Cheney's Church of the Nazarene invites you to stop on by, say hello to church members and pick a pumpkin. The church is holding its second annual pumpkin patch sale, with pumpkins of all sizes and shapes - as well as various other gourds - gathered in neat piles on its lawn next to Betz Road. Associate pastor Shane Endicott said there are over 600 "bulk" pumpkins along with an assortment of mini-pumpkins and gourds, with prices ranging from $1 for mini-pumpkins to $4 to $35...

  • Cheney Outreach offers recreational scholarships

    GRACE POHL, Staff Intern|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    The Cheney Outreach offers a recreational scholarship program that can help families in the community. The scholarship can cover fees for recreational activities for people in need. Children who are 18 and younger can qualify for the scholarships, depending on the size of the family. If the child is 18 years old, he or she needs to still be in high school. To receive a scholarship, applicants will need to call Cheney Outreach and set up a file. Families need to have proof of residence in Cheney or surrounding areas. “We cover...

  • Churches

    Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Cheney United Church of Christ Oct. 23 is a big day at Cheney UCC. Pastor David Krueger-Duncan will deliver the sermon at the 10 a.m. service in the church sanctuary. Prior to the service at 7:45 a.m., the men’s breakfast will meet at Cheney Marketplace & Bakery. At 7 p.m. on Oct. 23, you are cordially invited to the “Benefit Bluegrass Concert for Dave Hackwith,” a long-time member of our congregation, to help with his recent medical expenses. The Blue Streak Band will be featured. There will be no entrance fee but donat...

  • Personal principles should guide ballot choices

    Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Ballots are out and we must choose between deeply flawed candidates. Choose the lesser of evils? While questions of personality/character are important, they never invalidate our responsibility to vote. Everyone must consider his/her personal principles — non-negotiables — against the policy proposals of every candidate. My list of deal-breakers follows. Abortion on Demand. Life begins at conception — unquestioned. By the time pregnancy is known, differing DNAs declare “it’s my body” only a partial truth. (Most abortions?...

  • Schoesler endorses Volz for Sixth District representative

    Updated Oct 20, 2016

    I had the honor of representing the West Plains and Cheney for 12 years in the House and eight in the Senate. Now as Senate Majority Leader I have a fond spot for the area and want the best for our schools, higher education and business climate and my many friends I made representing the district. The person best prepared to handle this job as state representative in the 6th District is Mike Volz. I have known Mike and his wife and their families since their days in high school in Ritzville and know them as quality people...

  • Trump unfit for the presidency

    Updated Oct 20, 2016

    According to MSNBC Fact Finder, a lot of Mr. Donald Trump’s accusations towards Hillary Clinton and others have been proven false. Like so many other areas, including policies, etc., he has no idea what he is talking about. Mr. Trump owes so many people huge apologies, starting with the Kahn family. He owes apologies to a number of women he has assaulted and to all women in general for the things he says. It’s degrading, embarrassing and humiliating. He owes all of our children and grandchildren an apology for being a bad...

  • This presidential election is creating too much stress

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    I’ll be honest, I am a little sick and tired of the election and I am waiting for it to be over. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the importance of this year’s presidential race, it will decide the next person — Republican nominee Donald Trump or Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton —who sits in the Oval Office for the next 4-8 years. But the election itself is not the problem. What is aggravating to me is all of the mudslinging, insults and name calling that is going around, not just between the Trump and Clinton camps, but al...

  • Timber money required for school construction

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Uncoupling state timber sales revenue from public school construction funding doesn’t make sense. It is akin to killing the goose laying the golden eggs. That idea came up during this year’s campaign for public lands commissioner. Democrat Hilary Franz, a Seattle environmental attorney, and Republican Steve McLaughlin, a retired Navy Commander, are the finalists. Franz stated her position in a candidate questionnaire, according to the business publication, Lens. She wrote the...

  • Spilker honored

    AL STOVER|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Dr. Jacob DaBell (left), who operates DaBell Orthodontics offices in Cheney and Spokane Valley, visited Medical Lake's Hallett Elementary School to present fifth-grade teacher Cheryl Spilker (right) with a gift basket for winning the "My Teacher Rocks" award, which is presented by his office. Skylar DeVore (center), one of Spilker's students, wrote a letter to DaBell, nominating her teacher for the award. Spilker's class received a pizza party on Sept. 29 for their teacher...

  • Zak's HydraTrak bottle wins design award

    Staff and News Reports|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Zak Designs, a worldwide distributor of licensed mealtime products and beverageware, received a special anniversary present the company announced, Oct. 14. Located in Airway Heights, and celebrating their 40th anniversary in 2016, the company was informed that their patented HydraTrak water bottle won a coveted Home Style Award from the International Forum Design. The refillable bottle was designed as a simple and effective way for people to keep track of their daily water intake. By simply sliding one of the silicone bands...

  • Dealers Auto Auction keeps Hayford Road hopping

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    To look back at the busy corner of U.S. Highway 2 and Hayford Road and think it wasn't that long ago when about the only two occupants of the real estate were a Savage House Pizza Parlor and the Longhorn Burger Stop. That's kind of the way it looked when Bob McConkey and Greg Mahugh established Dealers Auto Auction in the fall of 1992. Their original location was on the West Plains at Geiger Boulevard and Electric Avenue but DAA quickly outgrew those quarters and moved to...

  • Education briefs


    Hallett announces September winners Hallett Elementary School announced its award winners for September. Hawk Pride —Alexia Mason, Eli Griffey, Rylan Horne, Makenzie Stoltz, Kaison Rudy, Nashua Sattler, Jaxx Hammer, Zackery Boyd, Samantha Sallas, Bethany Halme, Ymiymah Flaherty, Evan Dennis, Hailey Scott, Margaret Moody, Andrew Griffey, Alyson Gardner, Caaden Bortfeld, Rianna Layton, Dakota Williams, Shayley Taylor and Tessa Appel. I Can —Calder Diluciano, Caleb Dennis, Cody Rupert, Kataryna Hege, Emily Bowser, Denise Pea...

  • Get your game on for Homecoming

    AL STOVER|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Medical Lake High School is celebrating its annual Homecoming Week. This year's theme is "Get Your Game On," inspired by video games. Each grade level adopted a well-known video game title for their hallway decorations. Left: Senior Dustin Collins holds a banner that displays the insignia of Team Mystic from "Pokemon Go."...

  • MLHS makes changes to senior culminating project

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Medical Lake High School seniors may notice a couple of changes to the culminating project for this year. High school staff changed a couple of the project’s components. The culminating project was a requirement for seniors to graduate high school until last year. Although students no longer have to complete the project in order to graduate, high school principal Chris Spring explained there are components from the project’s career planning section that can help seniors while they are completing their High School and Beyond P...

  • CSD officials defend facilities information gathering process

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Cheney School District officials and school board members continued fielding questions at their Oct. 12 meeting regarding the accuracy of their public participation process being used to determine what type of capital facility improvements could be made should a proposed bond issue pass in February 2017. Following up concerns he raised at the school board’s Sept. 21 meeting, Marshall-area resident Bill Johns questioned the district’s online public participation process in truly providing a picture of what the public wan...

  • Pot of gold in storage

    John McCallum|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Tuesday’s downpour produced some stunning visual after effects, such as this rainbow seen over Cheney Storage....

  • News Briefs

    STAFF AND NEWS SOURCES|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Zoning vs. land use: What’s the difference? The Cheney Planning Commission will host an open house to propose changes to the land use and transportation elements of the city’s comprehensive plan on Monday, Nov. 14, from 6 –7:30 p.m. at the Wren Pierson Building, 615 Fourth St. The comp plan is a policy-level document that will guide development decisions over the next 20 years. The open house will provide an opportunity to review the “2037 Future Land Use Map,” which is a graphic representation of the comp plan’s land-use go...

  • Cheney City Council approves 28-lot View Acres plat

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    The Cheney City Council gave the go ahead at its Oct. 11 meeting for residential development to take place on a 14.2-acre parcel of land in southwest Cheney. The council approved a hearing examiner recommendation for a plat of land known as View Acres, located north of Salnave Street near Ridgeview and Scenic Heights drives. The development includes an extension of Ridgeview to the north. In passing the resolution, council also gave its approval to a requested variance in standard single-family residential lot sizes on the...

  • Feed Medical Lake to host additional meal

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Feed Medical Lake, which recently celebrated its fifth year in operation, is increasing its monthly meals from one to two. The program currently serves a free dinner on the second Monday of every month at St. John’s Lutheran Church from 5:30–6:30 p.m. It also gives away free groceries. Starting in November, Feed Medical Lake will serve a free lunch on the fourth Monday of each month, at the same location from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Feed Medical Lake director Joanna Williams said the lunch will consist of a choice of two soup...

  • Music, colors and dancing

    AL STOVER|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    Native American dancers of all ages moved to the sound of hand drums and singing during the 48th annual Spirit of the Eagle Powwow, held at Eastern Washington University's Reese Court, Oct. 14-15. The event, hosted by EWU's Native American Student Association, featured the host drum Battle Axe, several dance competitions, a hand drum contest and a free dinner....

  • Moratorium put on AH residential

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Oct 20, 2016

    At its Oct. 17 meeting, the Airway Heights City Council passed an emergency moratorium on the city accepting applications for residential uses on properties that are under challenge from the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board. According to information provided by staff, the city passed an ordinance in 2013 to allow limited multi-family residential and mixed-use developments to locate within the city’s adopted 65 LdN (levels based on sound contours measured in day-night intervals) for Fairchild Air Force B...

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